Navy Arms FRF2 Sniper Rifle - Now Available
Once again, Navy Arms has succeeded in bringing military collectors a heretofore unseen model — the French FRF2 sniper rifle. Used in dozens of countries by the French military and police, …
BERETTA MODEL 85 F .380 ACP for sale - Guns International
Due to to current regulations, we do not sell firearms in CT, HI and AK. This Beretta 85F features a safety decocker. It shows finish wear on the edges. One 8-round magazine is included. Get …
FR F2 sniper rifle - Wikipedia
The FR F2 (French: Fusil à Répétition modèle F2; English: Repeating Rifle, F2 model) has been the standard sniper rifle of the French military since 1986. It is designed for shooting at point targets at distances up to 800 metres. In August 2018, a tender was released by the French government for a replacement to the FR F2. [2]
先有了85式高射机枪,再搞89式重机枪意义在哪里,枪身只减重了800克。为85 …
85高机的肩托是典型的高机肩托,扣在肩上,并可以调整角度(4档),高机肩托的主要作用是辅助瞄准,而不是抵消后坐力。 虽然89重机因过于强调轻量化,加之部分新技术的应用不适合该口径弹药,导致在部队使用过程中暴露出精度不稳定、开闩困难、高射时操作不便等缺点,但这并不代表85高机使用轻量化的枪架可以达到同样的战术指标。 超轻量化的重机枪还是有一定的意义的,可以让更多因地形影响机动的部队获得更强的火力。 为了方便阅读,本专栏已启用微信公众 …
Type 85 - Wikipedia
Type 85 may refer to: Type 85 AFV, a Chinese APC Type 85 Susang, a North Korean ATGM tank destroyer Type 85 submachine gun Type 85/YW 306, 23 mm cannon Type 85, a Chinese tank W85 Heavy Machine Gun AMES Type 85, RAF radar system Linesman/Mediator radar systems A Chinese produced variant of the SVD (rifle)
BERETTA 85F - Gun Reviews
2023年6月16日 · The Beretta 85F is a compact and lightweight semi-automatic pistol chambered in .380 ACP. It features a 3.9” barrel, double-action/single-action (DA/SA) trigger system, a drift adjustable rear sight, and an external hammer. The frame is constructed from durable, long lasting aluminum alloy, and the slide from high quality steel.
如何评价85式重机枪? - 知乎
w85是一挺高射机枪,设计目标是低空防空。 配高射三脚架,同时保留准星照门式平射瞄具,立框式标尺。 高射瞄准镜为简易光学环形瞄准镜,放大倍率为2倍。 操作简单可靠…直射火力猛,参加坦克两项的606号车快速瞄准击发,在靶子还没有完全竖起到位时就使用QJC88型高射机枪击中模拟直升机靶标。 这个qjc88就是85的自用型号。 三脚架的w85打空中目标不太好,射速慢,射程近, 射弹散布大。 但是实际操作中也没人拿来打空中目标,反倒不算缺点。 89也可以车载,但 …
Taurus 85 for Sale - Best Price - In Stock Deals | gun.deals
Find Taurus 85 for Sale. Compare prices for in stock Taurus 85 guns from more than 100 stores online on gun.deals