FS2002 - FlightSim.Com
2023年12月21日 · FS2002 with FSMetar and Plan-G moving map By David25210, June 24, 2024. 13 replies; 868 views; David25210 ...
Anyone still using FS2002??? - FS2002 - FlightSim.Com
2017年11月13日 · I still use FS2002 quite a lot, mostly because of all the airplanes I installed and personalized within the year or two after it was introduced. I also use FS2004 and FSX-SP2 on the same PC. Old AthlonXP processor, Windows XP. …
FS2002 Aircraft - FlightSim.Com
2023年3月2日 · FS2002/Aviation Traders ATL-98 Carvair Chrome Silver ATL-98 Carvair for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (NOTE:- THIS IS A SPECIFIC VERSION FOR FS2002! incorporating altered flight dynamics and visual model, FS2004 USERS SHOULD DOWNLOAD jwat98.zip) CREDITS ===== Model and Original Repaints: Jon Walton ([email protected]) Flight Dynamics: FSAviator
FS2002 Scenery - FlightSim.Com
2024年8月8日 · FS2002 Dutch Flats/Ryan Airport semi-historical scenery. This airport was established by the founder of Ryan Aircraft, Claude Ryan. According to the AIAA report "Historic Aerospace Site: Dutch Flats Airport": "As business expanded, Ryan found a new location on a salt flat called Dutch Flats, adjacent to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
Anyone still using FS2002??? - Page 2 - FlightSim.Com
2017年11月13日 · Re FS2002 users, just counting up the number of posts in forum "FS2002", thought it might be a dormant forum, but this year 2020 there have been 10 users posting 12 posts (22 to 31) starting 20 April 2020 (the last post before that was 24 Jan 2019, over a year before): Senior Member: Kapitan, doering1, zswobbie1 (Robin)
fs2002 still alive! - FlightSim.Com
2022年1月16日 · The best source for FS2002 payware add-ons is definitely eBay, got numerous items recently there for very reasonable money. The freeware FS2002 add-ons are of varying quality, but also getting hard to find on the web, many links are dead…
FS2002 "out of the box" experience. - FlightSim.Com
2020年11月20日 · Thanks Bob for the reply and great tips. For some folks they want the "best possible" scenery. For others, like me, although that makes the experience more realistic and "pretty", but given the limitations of FS2002 "as is", I'm more interested to have the flying experience, i.e. the flight dynamics model, and just ignore the …
FS2002 Patches for Airport 2000 Volume 3 and 767 PIC
2021年4月29日 · It seems that 767PIC has some features (flights or adventures or something like that) that run under FS2000 only and which are left out from FS2002 port. BTW, got more into fooling with FS2002, bought a few jetliners from eBay. Can post a few pics if interested. Also, looking for a program that would allow me to edit stock FS2002 airports.
FS 2002 add ons - FS2002 - FlightSim.Com
2018年8月31日 · FS2002 aircraft, scenery, and panels are all good. Early FS2004 aircraft are usually good. Later FS2004 aircraft will load but not appear or may be missing things like Stall/Overspeed breakpoints and wheel brakes. FS2004 panels are good but some gauges may not operate. FS2004 sound packages are usually better than their FS2002 versions.
FS2002 Scenery--Carrier Navaids - FlightSim.Com
FS2002 Scenery--Carrier Navaids. FS2002 includes four aircraft carriers, but the only included navaid is the ILS for the USS Vinson. The files in this package fill out the missing radio navigation and landing aids for the four default carriers, plus the USS Saratoga (CV-60) by Robert Waszkiewicz and the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) by Javier ...