Installing FS9 from A USB flash drive - The FS2004 (FS9) Forum
2009年12月4日 · To install FS9, click on the setup.exe in the folder and it will install FS9. Install FS9 update. Then find your no-cd patch, replace your FS9.exe and you are good to go.
Installing FS2004 without built-in CD-ROM DRIVE - FlightSim.Com
2016年12月4日 · The solution is to get an External CD/DVD-ROM drive and load FS9 the normal way, + doing the 'business' to get it to work under W10. With the state of W10 and older Software, you won't be using CD #4 to run the Sim anyway.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight - PC
2004年1月13日 · Customers enjoy the flight simulator. They find it fun and educational, with a wide range of aircraft and complete flying lessons. Many consider it the best they have ever flown, with high-quality navigation aids and realistic missions.
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FS9 Installation DVD - The FS2004 (FS9) Forum - AVSIM
2007年9月10日 · Using Ctr/C & CTrl/V this replacement is very easy and works fine.
【FS9 交流区论坛】 - FS9 交流区社区 - 模拟飞行论坛
2022年9月2日 · fs9 交流区论坛为飞行者联盟旗下论坛,中文模拟飞行技术交流引领者。致力于整合fs9 交流区软硬件产业链,集结广大飞行爱好者、开发者共同打造绿色飞行模拟生态圈!
微软FS2004(v9.1)汉化封装版 - 『插件分享』 - (inSky) - Powered …
2009年1月13日 · 根据FS2004豪华版(4CD)集成官方9.1补丁和我个人长期的汉化制作,封包成为单DVD安装盘镜像(ISO文件)。 该镜像文件可用虚拟光驱加载后进行安装或者进行刻盘保存。 微软模拟飞行2004v9.1汉化封装版为了更具有收藏价值,保留了原微软模拟飞行2004(4CD)完整版中的全部资源,未作任何删减优化。 可使用虚拟光驱打开“微软模拟飞行2004v9.1汉化封装版.iso”文件在硬盘中安装,或者直接将其刻盘后安装。 安装类型请 选择定制 安装类型中的 完整 …
FS9 Re-Install - Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight …
2012年11月30日 · Below is the guide helping how to proceed with the total uninstall and re-build, hopefully retaining all the timely efforts spent in improving FS. 1. Have the four original installation discs. 2. Copy the entire FS9 (FS2004) folder to external drive.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (Windows)
That DVD has the game already updated to 9.1, with no DRM. Don't use NoCD if you install that OEM DVD release, otherwise the game won't run. It is recommended to install all versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and NET Framework for the correct work of the game.
《微软模拟飞行2004:飞行世纪》FS2004 V9.1 简体中文汉化完整 …
2020年5月14日 · 根据微软模拟飞行2004(4cd)完整版整合了微软官方9.1升级补丁和汉化资源后封装的单dvd安装盘映像。 与微软模拟飞行2004(4CD)完整版比较: 1.已打上官方9.1升级补丁
I’ve resurrected my Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9) install!
2022年3月16日 · Here’s what I discovered installing such an ancient flight simulator on a modern system: Most FS9 products disappeared around 2016 from stores. Addons with plain and simple installers that don’t phone home still work. Flight1 Wrapper doesn’t always work with Windows 10. This is a known issue. Therefore, I’ve lost some addons.
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