STM Based FSAE Dashboard : 6 Steps - Instructables
This project was an FSAE Dashboard based around an STM32F767ZGT6, featuring CAN-Communication, Programmable Addressable LEDs, and a large screen. In Detail: Screen: NHD-4.3-480272EF-ASXP. 24 Bit Color Depth Parallel RGB Interface; 4.3 Inch, 480x272 pixel resolution display; 60FPS, 1200Nits brightness; Addressable LEDs: BL-HBGR32L-3-TRB-8. 19 ...
FSAE-Dashboard/Dash_3.0_2021.ino at main - GitHub
The operating system for the Dash Display. Written in Low-level Arduino C. Arduino connects to the car's CAN SAE J1939 bus and displays the data in real-time to the Nextion display. - Luisd...
Dashboard design - FSAE.com
Dash boards are only really useful for drivers if they want lots of information. Some drivers want it, some don't care. Generally speaking they should only really need one for driver training and testing, and even that is a push, they should be giving feedback and somebody else figuring out what is going on and telling them what to do.
FSAE Dash Project - Google Sites
FSAE Dash Project. Home. About . Project Plan, Sem 2. Project Plan, Sem 2. Progress. Milestones More. Formula SAE Dashboard Project. Team Members: Cameron Gagnon; Sponsor: Ryan Stansifer; Advisor: Beshoy Morkos; Use the menu at the top right to navigate. A color inversion extension (such as Dark Reader for Chrome) is recommended for viewing the ...
Custom Dash : r/FSAE - Reddit
2021年7月2日 · Our dash uses a touch screen with a raspberry pi to communicate via CAN with our motec system. It has saved us a lot of money while providing us with all of the data we need. It is fully customizable using python and kivy.
FSAE Electric Car Dashboard Display and Interface
The car competed in the international 2014 FSAE Electric in Nebraska, Lincoln competition and achieved third place. The dashboard display features a 128x64 LCD Screen (controlled by the popular KS108), an LED bar graph, a piezo buzzer, and …
FSAE-Dashboard/ESP32_Dash_FCEM.PcbDoc at main - GitHub
FSAE race-car display dash with CAN and Serial coms, built around the ESP32 - mariovenereneto/FSAE-Dashboard
Dashboard for electric vehicle: RPi, ST board, or other? : r/FSAE - Reddit
2023年11月6日 · I've been tasked with the project of a custom dashboard for our new fully electric vehicle. Most of the suggestions for dashboards on the subreddit state that it's much more efficient to just buy a dashboard off-the-shelf possibly with help from sponsors, and while I do agree with it there are a few problems with that approach in my case:
FormulaU/FSAE-2017-Dash - GitHub
The dashboard control module for the 2017 FSAE car. - GitHub - FormulaU/FSAE-2017-Dash: The dashboard control module for the 2017 FSAE car.
Dash boards - FSAE.com
Clarkson University had an incredible wood-grain dash panel. I'm fairly certain they: 1. Cut a template of card stock or cardboard to the shape of the void formed between their main roll hoop and steering column supports. It would also be smart at this point to lay out your gauges, LEDs, and other electronic doodads on the template. 2.