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Undergraduate @ FSK - Faculty of Health Sciences
LEPASAN PRA DIPLOMA UiTM. Lulus Naik Taraf (LNT) program Pra Diploma Sains (PD007/PD008) dari UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya HPNG: 3.00. DAN. Lulus SPM / Setaraf dengan kepujian dalam empat (4) mata pelajaran berikut: • Matematik / Matematik Tambahan • Sains / Biologi / Kimia / Fizik / Sains Gunaan
About Us @FSK - Faculty of Health Sciences
Fakulti Sains Kesihatan (FSK) merupakan salah satu fakulti yang tersergam indah di UiTM Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam dan mempunyai cawangan di UITM Cawangan Sarawak, Kampus Kota Semarahan serta Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Kampus Bertam.
FSKM - Home
Explore your options, find your interest and join us at UiTM. A university beyond the walls, an institution without limits. Take another step in life as a graduate of our own. Discover our aspiration towards Globally Renowned University by 2025. Enjoy a life as student filled with kinship essence among #KeluargaUiTM.
FSK - UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang Kampus Bertam
Fakulti Sains Kesihatan di Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Pulau Pinang telah bermula sejak Mei 2011. Fakulti ini menawarkan dua program diploma iaitu Diploma Teknologi Makmal Perubatan dan Diploma Kesihatan Persekitaran.
FSKM - Postgraduate - Universiti Teknologi MARA
UiTM, FSKM, uitm, fskm, Fakulti Sains Komputer Dan Matematik, Laman Rasmi Fakulti Sains Komputer Dan Matemik, Faculty Of Computer And Mathematical Sciences Official Website
Academic Staff - Universiti Teknologi MARA
Computing Sciences Centre of Studies Computer Science (CS) Information System (IS) Information Technology (IT) Computer Technology & Networking (CTN) Mathe...
Postgraduate - Faculty of Health Sciences
UiTM Cawangan Selangor Kampus Puncak Alam 42300 Puncak Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia [email protected] Tel: +603-3258 4300 Fax: +603-3258 4599. Website Statistics. Today. Visitor Online. We have 95 guests and no members online ... MyAlumni UiTM; Students. HEP FSK; Digital Campus;
Fakulti Sains Kesihatan FSK – UiTM NewsHub
2024年1月30日 · 27 Mei 2022, Jumaat – Program Kejururawatan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang (UiTMCPP) telah mengadakan sesi Forum…
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