FSL - the FMRIB Software Library - University of Oxford
FSL is a comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and diffusion brain imaging data. It runs on macOS (Intel and M1/M2/M3), Linux, and Windows via the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and is very easy to install.
ICA Practical - University of Oxford
Melodic is the tool in FSL that we use at both the subject and group level to decompose FMRI data into time-courses and spatial maps using ICA. Contents: Running single-subject ICA
Introduction - FSLUTILS - University of Oxford
To work with FSL, it is essential to become comfortable in working at the UNIX command line. This practical introduces some of the more useful FSL command line utilities, which allow you to query and manipulate your image files. Contents: FSLUTILS
FSL Software Downloads - University of Oxford
If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Oxford University Innovation ("OUI"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: [email protected] quoting Reference Project 9564, FSL.
FSL Diffusion Toolbox Practical - University of Oxford
FSL Diffusion Toolbox Practical. In this practical we will walk you through the steps needed to prepare your diffusion data for analysis. We will also cover diffusion tensor model fitting and group analysis of DTI data using tract-based-spatial-statistics (TBSS).
Registration Practical - University of Oxford
Plotting time series with FSL-Python (optional) FSL-Python is a virtual environment that FSL uses to run those of its components that were written in the programming language Python. Throughout your research you might want to familiarise yourself with this powerful programming environment.
FSL Diffusion Toolbox Practical - University of Oxford
FSL Diffusion Toolbox Practical. In this practical we will walk you through the steps needed to prepare your diffusion data for analysis. We will also cover diffusion tensor model fitting and group analysis of DTI data using tract-based-spatial-statistics (TBSS).
FSL Course - University of Oxford
Segmentation & Structural Statistics (FAST, FIRST, SIENA, FSL-VBM) lecture / practical
FSL Course
FSL Course. Learn the theory and practice of using FSL for structural, functional and diffusion image analysis. The course is designed for people at all skill levels, from those with little or no experience through to intermediate users of FSL.
Registration in other FSL GUIs (e.g. for ICA or diffusion analysis) works very similarly. Preparing the structural image We need to perform brain extraction on the structural image prior to using it for registration (as explained in the lecture). To do this run BET on the image STRUCT.nii.gz, and save the result as STRUCT_brain.nii.gz. Check ...