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Fsp 3 : A new parameter for drug-likeness - PubMed
It can be defined as the similarity between compounds and drugs. Here, we collate research related to the fraction of sp 3 carbon atoms (Fsp 3), including related high-throughput screening (HTS) cases, structural modifications based on Fsp 3, and strategies to improve it. We also introduce new synthetic methods for spirocyclic scaffolds.
Fsp3: A new parameter for drug-likeness - ScienceDirect
2020年10月1日 · As a descriptor that can accurately express the properties of compounds, Fsp 3 has become an important indicator of screening hits. Here, we summarize relevant cases in which Fsp 3 and other descriptors have successfully guided new drug research in recent years. We also analyze characteristics that limit its application, providing inspiration ...
Cantilever FSP 2 or FSP 3 or FSP 3A Sheet Piling in Cohesive Soils - Two cases of cantilevered walls in cohesive soils are of interest: (1) sheet pile walls entirely in clay and (2) walls driven in clay and FSP-IV backfilled with sand.
Fsp3:药物相似性的新参数。,Drug Discovery Today - X-MOL
在这里,我们整理了与sp 3碳原子分数(Fsp 3)相关的研究,包括相关的高通量筛选(HTS)案例、基于Fsp 3的结构修改以及改进策略。 我们还介绍了螺环支架的新合成方法。
Design and Synthesis of Fsp 3 -Rich, Bis-Spirocyclic-Based …
2016年5月10日 · Bis-spirocyclic frameworks occur in natural products and other biologically relevant metabolites and show attractive features, such as molecular compactness, structural complexity, and three-dimensional character.
Design, Synthesis, and Analytical Evaluation of Fsp 3 -Inspired …
2022年6月17日 · We sought to improve upon the highly Raman-active, yet rigid, lipophilic, and aggregative, bisarylbutadiyne (BADY) motif by introducing Fsp 3 character. BADY analogues were designed, efficiently synthesised, and analysed by mass spectrometry – revealing a statistical correlation between compound aggregation and cLogP, but no correlation with ...
海带中岩藻多糖的抗衰老活性及构效关系研究 - spgykj.com
将海带中岩藻多糖(FSP)经分离纯化得到三个FSP分离组分(FSP-1、FSP-2、FSP-3),对3个组分进行了元素分析并分别测定各组分分子量及其单糖组成;通过对D-半乳糖致衰老的小鼠给药,并测定一些与衰老相关的生化指标,以研究海带中3个分离组分的抗衰老活性。 结果表明FSP-1、FSP-2、FSP-3治疗组与模型组比较,FSP-2与FSP-3均使衰老小鼠胸腺指数与脾脏指数明显回升(p<0.01),且FSP-3作用效果更为明显。 3个组分均能显著升高小鼠血清中超氧化物歧化酶活 …
Fsp³-enriched Screening Compound Library - Life Chemicals
2023年7月3日 · These novel drug-like molecules possess an increased Fsp 3 fraction ≥ 0.47 (mean value 0.60), as well as high chemical and structural diversity. Additionally, a Diversity Screening Set of 3,200 structurally-diverse sp 3 -enriched molecules was prepared to provide the most-promising drug-like screening compounds for phenotypic or target-based ...
The 3F Library: Fluorinated Fsp 3 -Rich Fragments for Expeditious …
2020年2月3日 · The 3F library of 115 fluorinated, Fsp 3 -rich fragments is shape diverse and natural-product-like with desirable physicochemical properties. The library is perfectly suited for rapid and efficient screening by NMR spectroscopy in a two-stage workflow of 19 F NMR and subsequent 1 H NMR methods.