聚焦评价算法_1(Focus Measure) - CSDN博客
2022年2月22日 · 聚焦评价算法主要应用于基于 图像处理 的自动调焦技术、聚焦恢复形貌技术 (Shape From Focus)。 通过阅读多篇论文,对聚焦评价算法进行分类总结。 聚焦评价算法可大致分为四大类:基于梯度边缘的评价算法(空域)、频域评价算法、基于信息熵的评价算法、基于图像统计学的评价算法。 通过计算图像的梯度信息来评价图像的清晰度。 在正焦的清晰图像中具有丰富的边缘信息,梯度值大,在离焦的模糊图像中边缘信息模糊,梯度值小。 该类方法的普 …
A novel multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on random …
2014年7月1日 · In multi-focus image fusion, the aim is to create a single image where the whole scene is focused by fusing multiple images captured with different focus distances. The fused image has greater depth of field than each of the input images. In this paper, we present a new method for multi-focus image fusion via random walks on graphs.
New autofocusing technique using the frequency selective …
In the proposed scheme, the frequency selective weighted median (FSWM) filter is utilized to estimate the degree of focus and the fast hill-climbing search (HCS) strategy is exploited to determine the best focused image. Since the FSWM filter can not only extract high frequency components from the image, but also eliminate impulsive noise, the ...
A comparison of criterion functions for fusion of multi-focus noisy images
2009年8月15日 · In this paper, conventional focus measures and frequency selective weighted median filter (FSWM) are evaluated for fusion of multi-focus images in the presence of IN. FSWM is also compared with other multi-focus fusion methods such as Laplacian Pyramid and wavelet.
11种图像清晰度评价函数附MATLAB代码 - CSDN博客
2019年6月17日 · 下面分别对其进行介绍,其中 f(x, y) f (x, y) 表示对应像素点的灰度值。 1.能量梯度函数(Energy of Gradient,EOG) 将 x 方向和 y 方向的相邻像素的灰度值之差 [] 的平方和作为每个像素点的梯度值,对所有像素梯度值累加作为清晰度评价函数值,表达式如下所示: matlab 代码如下: N 1 = 5; %要处理的图片张数. A = zeros (1,N 1); %存储每一幅图像清晰度评价值. X = zeros (1,N 1); %存储做归一化处理后的评价值. I = imread([int 2 str(L), '.jpg']); %连续读取图片. I …
Evaluation of criterion functions for the fusion of multi-focus noisy ...
In this paper, traditional criterion functions and frequency selective median filter (FSWM) based criterion function are evaluated for the fusion of multi-focus images in the presence of IN. Experimental results show that the FSWM filter is better than the other focus measures.
frequency selective weighted median filter (FSWM) based focus measure are evaluated for fusion of multi-focus images in the presence of IN. Experimental results are presented for several sets of images and the results show that FSWM based focus measure can provide better performance than other focus measures.
Novel multi-focus image fusion based on PCNN and random …
2016年10月22日 · The purpose of multi-focus image fusion is to acquire an image where all the objects are focused by fusing the source images which have different focus points. A novel multi-focus image fusion method is proposed in this paper, which is based on PCNN and random walks.
New autofocusing technique using the frequency selective …
A new autofocusing technique using the frequency selective weighted median (FSWM) filter is proposed for video cameras. The FSWM filter is resistive to impulsive noise from the CCD of the video cameras.
Frequency selective weighted median filters - Penn State
In this paper, we propose a frequency selective weighted median (FSWM) filter with arbitrary spectral behavior. The proposed scheme is motivated by the observation on the structure and design procedure of the linear-phase FIR high-pass (HP) filter. An FIR HP filter can be easily obtained by changing the sign of coefficients in odd position.
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