FSX & P3D ATR 72 (-200/-210/-210-F/-500/-600) Complete Pack
FSX/P3D ATR 72 (-200/-210/-210-F/-500/-600) Complete Pack A complete add-on pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and all versions of Prepar3D featuring the ATR 72-200, ATR 72-210, ATR 72-210-F, ATR 72-500, and the ATR 72-600 aircraft. The pack also includes over 37 liveries/repaints based on the real-world airlines for the models included.
Virtualcol ATR 72 Series for FSX and P3D - DOWNLOAD
This package includes models with virtual cockpit, unique turboprop sounds, functional gauges, user manual, 5 models -200 - 210 -210F (cargo) -500 -600, ground service and 37 repaints. Tested under Prepar3D v4 and seems functional, this only the …
Download ATR for FSX and P3D - Rikoooo.com
Complete package of ATR 72-200/500 oriented Denmark with 4 textures: Team Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, SAS, Danish Air Transport.
ATR 42-500 & 72-500 Pack for FSX and P3D - DOWNLOAD
2020年1月30日 · This pack includes two models (42 and 72) with a total of 31 textures (repaints) with personalized and unique sound, virtual cockpit and 2D panel, animations, 3D cabin for the …
Virtualcol Freeware - ATR 72 Series for FSX/P3D
FREEWARE DONATION - Free download! Development of product FF (Friendly frames) allows fluid flight with functionally cockpit and gauges, multiple repaints and 5 models at a little price, development under FSX SDK and full compatible with DIRECTX10 and PREPAR3D. The product ATR72 Series including: Model with virtual cokcpit and 2D panel Prop Sound
FSX – ATR 72 Series – Welcome to Perfect Flight
2019年3月31日 · FSX – ATR 72 Series. Full pack ATR 72 Series including Models with virtual cockpit Turbo prop Sound, Gauges functional, user manual, 5 models Series -200 -210 -210F (cargo) -500 y -600, ground service and 37 repaints for models.
National ATR 72-500 for FSX - Fly Away Simulation
Experience refined regional performance with this freeware National ATR 72-500 package, ideal for short-haul hops in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It is meticulously crafted to emphasize realism and reliability during commuter journeys, and it includes a complete base model.
FSX ATR 72 Series - FSX Turboprops - FlightSim.Com
2019年3月30日 · FSX ATR 72 Series. Full pack ATR72 series including models with virtual cockpit, turboprop sound, functional gauges, user manual, five models Series -200 -210 -210F (cargo) -500 and -600, ground service and 37 repaints for models.
Virtualcol FS - ATR Series Pack - Just Flight
This low-cost and frame-rate-friendly package includes several variants of the ATR 42 and 72 for P3D and FSX, with functional cockpit and gauges and multiple repaints. Note: FSX Deluxe users must have installed Service Pack 1, Service Pack 2 or Acceleration. Earn up to 80 points.
ATR 72-500 - No VC for FSX - Fly Away Simulation
FSX ATR 72-500 - No VC This aircraft is built for FSX with an updated panel, sound and .cfg Files to suit. Original model by Mike Stone. By Peter Alberts.