FSX Boeing B-52 Stratofortess - FlightSim.Com
2013年6月6日 · FSX Boeing B-52 Stratofortess. Alpha Simulation freeware B52 Stratofortress originally designed for FS2004 has been reworked for FSX. Includes a a new air file, sound tied to the Lear 45, some camera views, tuned flight configuration and added heat effects.
FSX USAF Boeing B-52 - FSX Modern Military - FlightSim.Com
2008年10月15日 · FSX USAF Boeing B-52. US Air Force B-52H models 60-042 and 60-047 (two aircraft) based out of Barksdale AFB for FSX. Most of the dynamics meet real world specifications. Includes realistic sound, smoke, weight, fuel, range and kneeboard. Read Instruct.txt for details. Original aircraft design by ...
FSX Boeing B-52G - FSX Modern Military - FlightSim.Com
2013年10月26日 · FSX Boeing B-52G "Old Dog Zero". This stand-alone full package of a modified version of Alphasim's B-52G. It sports the BX tail code of Aeroworks Flight Center IV in Railroad Valley, Nevada. It is a special modified version based loosely on what would become the EB-52 Megafortress of the Dale Brown novels.
FSX Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Update - FlightSim.Com
2011年3月10日 · FSX Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Update. This is an update of the B-52H by Mike Stone. The author has updated the flight dynamics, and added smoke. No virtual cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. By Bob Chicilo.
FSX Alpha CONECT B52H - FSX Modern Military - FlightSim.Com
2016年1月3日 · FSX Alpha CONECT B52H. In July 2013, the US Air Force began a fleet-wide technological upgrade of its Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bombers called Combat Network Communications Technology (CONECT) to modernize electronics, communications technology, computing, instrumentation, and avionics on the flight deck.
FS2004 USAF Boeing B-52 H Stratofortress - FlightSim.Com
2018年11月6日 · FS2004 USAF Boeing B-52 H Stratofortress. Four repaints of Alphasim's B-52H (available as freeware from Virtavia.com). These repaints are meant for FS2004 and FS2002 but should work in FSX (not tested). Aircraft include two versions for the 92nd BW (SAC and ACC), Fairchild AFB, a B-52H featured i...
FS2004 Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Repaints - FlightSim.Com
2018年11月2日 · FS2004 Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Repaints. Three repaints for the Alphasim B-52G. Repaints for the Alphasim B52 G model. Aircraft included are from the 379th BW, 42nd BW, and 43rd BW. These repaints will work in FS2004 and FS2002 and should be OK for FSX but not tested. These are repaints only, (freeware) aircraft available at Virtavia.com.
Alphasim/Virtavia B-52 repaints, any interest? - FlightSim.Com
2018年10月26日 · They should work in FSX but I have no way to test them. These repaints are specific to the Virtavia/Alphasim B-52's (which are now freeware and can be downloaded from Virtavia's web site). I know some folks have flown them in FSX or used them for FSX scenery objects/AI but understand that this is NOT the Capt. Sim "BUFF Driver" B-52.
X-Plane 10.22 Boeing B-52 3D Cockpit - FlightSim.Com
2013年9月13日 · X-Plane 10.22 Boeing B-52 3D Cockpit v1.2. Basically, this is the default B52 Stratofortress with the addition of a 3D cockpit. Some changes have been made to the original model: the pod launch of the X-15 has been removed and in this version added pylons with six AGM-86. Fixed also the tendency to roll right of the plane. By Paolo Dessani.
FSX/P3D v3 Convair B-58 Hustler Updated - FlightSim.Com
2018年2月7日 · FSX/P3D v3 Convair B-58 Hustler Updated. The Convair B58 Hustler was the first operational jet bomber capable of Mach 2 flight. The aircraft was developed for the United States Air Force for service in the Strategic Air Command (SAC) during the 1960s. It used a delta wing, which was also employed...