FSXGenius FSX Flight School Videos - Newcomer Services
2015年5月13日 · Whatever Mr Genius did or did not do is not the issue here IMHO. Although it is only natural that in such a small community as this it will have a permanent impact. There have been quite a few attemps at con-ing simmers.. You were asking about his videos and as you know Youtube pulled them.
A better approach to learning FSX? - FlightSim.Com
2014年12月8日 · FSX - FS2004 and Earlier P3D X-Plane Real World Aviation Other Sims PC Hardware Cockpit Builders MSFS 2020 Landing Page Landing Pages. Back; MSFS 2020 Landing Page FSX Landing Page P3D Landing Page Nels Corner Bill Stack Popular Downloads. Back; Download Portal MSFS Latest Files
FSX/P3D Software and Hardware Tweaking Guide
2013年1月20日 · I use FSX since 2006, Until 2011 I had a 2 core slower intel processor. Its true that settings couldnt be maxed and fps was slower in ense arival areas, but the processor never spinned with such furor. What is bothersome is the noise. Temperatures are stable, right now as I right Core0 is 63, when running FSX it spins and can go up to 70 or 72.
Engine Start-up Smoke - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2015年8月18日 · I am having a problem with the engine start-up smoke on ALL aircraft in FSX. No matter which aircraft I use, the engine will smoke excessively on startup for about 15 seconds or so. It is a long, dark smoke trail that heads straight rearward (I'll post screenshots when I'm back near my sim).
Joysticks - PC Hardware, Video And Audio Help - FlightSim.Com
2016年2月28日 · FSX - FS2004 and Earlier P3D X-Plane Real World Aviation Other Sims PC Hardware Cockpit Builders MSFS 2020 Landing Page Landing Pages. Back; MSFS 2020 Landing Page FSX Landing Page P3D Landing Page Nels Corner Bill Stack Popular Downloads. Back; Download Portal MSFS Latest Files
Should I use framerate lock in FSX? - FSX General Discussion ...
2016年9月2日 · Now with much faster, improved hardware, it "muscles" through the clunky software known as FSX. However, no way getting the 100~200 FPS that I get on all modern game titles. Actually, with FSX at default settings and no add-ons, I took this screen shot of the FSX FPS counter... 225.7 FPS!!! (I wish I could repeat that as configured).
Update on my MSFS2020 experiences - FlightSim.Com
2025年2月25日 · what was going on. Now I am no computer genius but I do have a reasonable understanding of the relationship between the various components and how they interact. I found that when looking at the FPS tab I could see a large discrepancy between the Main Thread timing of approx 11.0Ms and the GPU timing of approx 6.0Ms, so using my
Scenery advice - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2016年5月16日 · Note that when you installed GEX it would have offered you the chance to backup the FSX default textures to a location of your choosing whilst I understand that the Total Pack automatically backups the textures it is replacing to a folder within FSX - to something like JustFlight\FScene World Textures\Backup\Scenery\World\Texture if my memory ...
Fault Module Name: PMDG_737NGX_2.dll - FSX General …
2020年7月16日 · Hello, I recently installed the PMDG 737NGX, when I fully exit out of FSX, I get an APPCRASH message with the fault module name PMDG_737NGX_2.dll.
Unreadable text - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2019年10月29日 · Internal Graphics is far from the best option for FSX. IMO in yr case, it's struggling to get your graphics on-screen. More technically knowledgeable people can drop in, but a "budget GPU" (like a 1050Ti) could help a lot. Not only with the Font problem. Wim [EDIT]If your computer allows it. As said not I'm not a technical genius, far from...