Ultimate Traffic Live issues - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2018年12月2日 · After the installation completed, I started UT Live and proceeded to configure it as per the InstallGuide - set the UI to run as an administrator, started UT Live and checked that Dovetail Games FSX Steam Edition is the current active flight simulator and attempted to …
UT Live, No Traffic or ATC - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2018年4月20日 · I uninstalled UT 2 Power Pack, then UT 2, restarted FSX and my ATC and default AI was working normally. Then decision time, do I install my all ready paid for Traffic 360 disk, or do I risk it buying UT Live? Since the upgrade coupon for UT Live from UT 2 worked, I bought UT Live. It installed without a hitch.
What is the best AI traffic add-on (free or paid) for FSX?
2019年3月18日 · I have been looking for some good FSX traffic add-on, and I've heard of all the popular ones like UT Live, WOAI, MT6, etc., but which one is ACTUALLY the best? (freeware or payware)
UTT Live - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2018年12月25日 · I recently got Ultimate Traffic Live and I really like the software. I downloaded a few AI base models from Flightsim and added them to the simobjects/airplanes folder and they appear in the manufacturer drop down menu but when I add the new repaint to the model and put the traffic slider at 100%...
Ultimate Traffic Live - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2019年4月16日 · Make sure your FSX resolution matches your Windows resolution? And, as explained, AI have low resolution textures, so the cpu doesn't get overworked and fsx runs smoothly.
Ultimate Traffic Live: Worth the $45? - FSX General Discussion ...
2020年7月24日 · So, getting fed up with the empty textures in the current freeware ai package I am using and am wondering, is Ultimate Traffic Live worth the $45 I would need to get it?
FSX/Prepar3D Utility--FSChatter Live - FlightSim.Com
2016年9月27日 · FSX/Prepar3D Utility--FSChatter Live version 1.7.2. FSChatter Live uses Flight Simulator's comm frequencies to play live streaming ATC chatter from the internet. The program has two modes of operation: automatic and manual. In the automatic mode, Flight Simulator must be running and a COM frequen...
Ultimate Traffic live - FSX General Discussion - FlightSim.Com
2017年12月19日 · All Activity Home Forums Microsoft FSX FSX General Discussion Flight one - Ultimate Traffic live
FSActiveFires - Actual fires in FSX from live real-time data
2014年11月26日 · I came across "FS Active Fires" by accident. I did a forum search but couldn't find anything in here about it ... so I thought I would share: "FS Active Fires" is a utility that downloads real-time fire data from the NASA FIRMS website to create fires in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Download link:...
Ultimate Traffic Live: missing textures - FSX General Discussion ...
2020年8月4日 · ok, so, I got Ultimate Traffic live and installed it. But, been noticing a lot that the CRJs are all missing their textures for whatever reason. I have since turned off DirectX 10 preview in order to fix another problem, but, it has not solved this …