Home - Orbx
Orbx creates high fidelity scenery and aircraft packages for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, X-Plane and Aerofly FS.
Central - Orbx
In X-Plane 11, Central automatically creates and manages symbolic links, connecting your Custom Scenery directory to your Central Library. Faster and more efficient. The download and installation process in Central has been optimised more than ever before. You'll see speeds up to 4x faster than in FTX Central 3.
Global BASE Pack - Orbx
Global is Orbx's No1 bestselling product- Upgrade your sim TODAY! Total upgrade of your FSX or P3D! Expand with openLC packs! You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required. The download size of this product is 3.93 GB.
[首发] Orbx - 全球地景 基础包 v1.43 [最新P3Dv5版]-FSX/P3D-飞 …
2020年5月2日 · 简而言之,它可以将默认调色板的淡淡淡淡纹理转化为充满活力,丰富而诱人的Orbx风景-只需简单,快速的安装即可。 但是Orbx团队并不仅限于新的纹理。 FSX / P3D默认 …
【FSX地景优化】微软模拟飞行10地景优化软件 ORBX 全球地景基 …
2023年12月22日 · 名称: FSXORBX全球地景基础包 适用游戏: 微软模拟飞行10 FSX插件大小:4.9G(压缩包)下载方式:123网盘插件简介:欢迎来到你的新的模拟飞行。 在历史上没有一个插件可以在FSX或P3D上做到像FTX这样,飞行小家独立博客
[首发] Orbx - 全球矢量包 Global VECTOR [最新P3Dv5版]-FSX/P3D …
2020年6月14日 · Orbx的Global Vector的景观基于相同的Open Street Map数据库,但要早几年。 同样,其机场数据库实质上是旧FSX版本的副本。 这就是为什么我们认为Vector在P3Dv5中是 …
[首发] Orbx - 全球 建筑高清 [最新P3Dv5版]-FSX/P3D-飞行宝
2020年5月4日 · 主要特点4K分辨率的高清建筑贴图覆盖整个世界取自全球许多国家/地区拍摄的现场照片,得出全球范围内具有区域准确性的建筑物用于复杂自动生成对象的全新3D建筑模型 …
Using Orbx products with FSX: Steam Edition (FAQ)
2014年12月19日 · This pinned topic will be updated regularly to provide important information on how to install and use Orbx products with FSX:SE which was released on Steam on December 18th 2014. First off, our products are 100% compatible with FSX:SE. Our Orbx installers will find the FSX:SE folders correctly as long as it is the only version of FSX installed.
BOB First Person Mode - Orbx
Meet BOB, the unique free addon from Orbx which lets you get up close and personal with airport and scenery, anywhere in the world. This version includes a control panel where with three …
From Bad FPS to Great FPS, with ORBX- What I did - MS FSX
2024年5月30日 · With a few settings and easy text additions to the cfg file, you can have a very smooth running, incrediby improved visual world. What I did: FSX Settings- GRAPHICS. Target Frame Rate- Unlimited. Filtering- Trilinear. Anti-Aliasing- unchecked. Bloom and Lens effects- …