PMDG Simulations LLC
PMDG 777 Freighter. for MSFS. BUY NOW PMDG 777-300ER. for MSFS. BUY NOW PMDG 737-900. for MSFS. BUY NOW PMDG 737-800. for MSFS. BUY NOW PMDG DC-6. for MSFS. BUY NOW. Subscribe to Our newsletter. Email Address * About PMDG Simulations LLC The PMDG Company 3753 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite …
How can I buy a PMDG for FSX? - PMDG 737NGX - AVSIM
2023年11月3日 · Hi, I still fly with FSX (Steam Edition) and I would like to be able to buy a PMDG 737, but it does not appear on the producers' site. How could I buy it? Thank you
What happened to PMDG planes for FSX?
2022年11月30日 · Have you tried going to your purchase account and re-downloading them? The liveries are still available in the Operations Center. PMDG doesn't sell or update FSX aircraft anymore. (Also, since I am apparently the first to respond, I will do the reminder that you need to sign all post with first and last name per the forum rules at the top.)
PMDG 737 NGX for FSX is gone forever?
2021年1月25日 · So, I'd recommend to stay with FSX, not to spend too much money on it anymore and to save for MFS addons. However..... I'd probably still get the NGX for FSX over at Aerosoft or another retailer that still sells it, it would be …
PMDG 737-800/900 NGX - my737NG
The PMDG 737-800/900 NGX is a complex add-on aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) and, more recently, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (P3D). ORDERING / PRICE (in US Dollars) $70 – Purchased online at PMDG website – Oct 2013.
PMDG MD-11 for FSX Review - Fly Away Simulation
2010年7月26日 · The MD-11 has been in development for over four years as the major FS9 to FSX transition was made. PMDG has always put their best foot forward in every single product they make. Along with Flight One, and Captain Sim, Aerosoft to mention a few. Update March 2020. We have just released our mega repaint pack for the PMDG MD-11 over at this page here.
AVSIM Library - The AVSIM Community
This is an all black repaint for the PMDG 737-700 NGX, and it is pretty slick. Works in FSX and in P3D. Thanks!
[FSX] MD-11 v1.20 Update - PMDG Simulations
2024年3月15日 · Dear all, Hope everyone is doing well. Name is Vincent and new flight sim enthusiast, and have a copy of PMDG's MD-11 lying around for ages, but finally some time to reinstall FSX and pursue my interest after retiring. However, wondering if anyone can share the latest update PMDGMD11_FSX_Update_v1.20.0055.zip file ( 27Mb)
PMDG – 波音 B777F 货机 v2.0.61 [MSFS2020] - 飞行宝
2025年2月27日 · PMDG 777F由PMDG的传奇团队设计和建造,利用了MSFS 2020平台的所有功能,是对波音777F的功能丰富、细节丰富的模拟,具有功能、真实性和大量选项,即使是最注重细节的货运犬也能满意。 PMDG 777F由专家为专家和休闲爱好者创造,将取悦那些寻求第一次真正的货机体验的新飞行模拟爱好者,同时满足那些寻求只有PMDG才能提供的深度和真实性的经验丰富的爱好者的严格期望。 波音777F被公认为最成功的客机之一,是世界货运机队的中坚力 …
给大家发个FS9和FSX的PMDG MD 11 - 『 FS9插件区 』 - AIRCN …
2009年1月30日 · 相关帖子. • repost, 联飞软件fsinn使用4则; • 【hd】 dc-10-30er迫降苏南硕放机场; • 【急求解答】15.6寸屏幕 pmdg737ng 仪表显示问题; • 【视频】fsx新手教程!——新手必看! • 闲来无聊,用ppt做了个粗糙版的紧急迫降; • 三亚凤凰机场737ng全手动降落; • zscg-中国常州奔牛机场 for fsx 第一版