Yaesu: Yaesu FT-70D...How Do I Connect To The World?
2019年9月12日 · The FT-70D manual on using Wires-X is what you should read, versus copying and pasting the manual info here. * Please note that the FT-70D cannot connect to the Wires …
Yaesu: - Programming memory issue with FT-70D
2019年6月28日 · I'm trying to program digital info (Wires-X) into the 5 available slots on the Yaesu FT-70D. I can program one or two but not the third and when I turn it off and come back, they …
Yaesu: Yaesu FT-3DR (as PDN HRI/Access)…using Wires-X app.
2021年9月10日 · The FT-3DR is connected to a room via Wires-x.-When the FT-70D(a) TXs into the FT-3DR, the analog FM signal do NOT get to the room.-When another node in the room …
Yaesu: - Help - Another Newbie - RadioReference.com Forums
2024年9月15日 · Which one are you trying to save? Basically you do almost the same thing you did for saving the repeaters that have WIRES-X capability. Could you please be more specific …
Yaesu: - Yaesu FTM 300D and Wires X Set-up
2022年12月10日 · I think I found it. And can even replicate it. I’m sure it’s how I installed the drivers. Because if I plug in the radio already set to WiresX Direct and the computer knows the …
Yaesu: - Wires X PDN - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年4月18日 · The SCU-19 is what goes between the handheld (FT-2D, FT-3D, & FT5D) for PDN and HRI modes. The other cables in the kit are for HRI operation purposes. With those …
Yaesu: - Wires X Transceiver Not Connected - RadioReference.com …
2023年6月22日 · The Wires X software says the transceiver is not connected. I’ve tried to re-load the prolific drivers, re-boot the computer/Wires X, put the FTM back to factory….I’m lost! One …
Yaesu: Creating my own Fusion repeater - RadioReference.com …
2024年4月14日 · I’m a new ham as of just a couple weeks ago. So, I’m trying to learn as much about this hobby as possible. I have a Yaesu FT-70D and an FTM-500D. I’ve played around …
Yaesu: FT-70D programming was: stupid question
2021年1月20日 · K62NYC may be operating a Fusion repeater, but it is not registered with Yaesu as a Wires-X node. Clearly it is not in coordination either because it is not following any band …
fusion - RadioReference.com Forums
2018年11月29日 · You can now use the Yaesu FT-2DR HT as a WiRES-X node and in HRI mode with new firmware. (y) WiRES-X Software & FT-2DR Firmware Announcement All for under 3 …