Yaesu FT-818 HF/VHF/UHF All-Mode Portable Transceiver - DX Engineering
Yaesu FT-818 HF/ VHF/ UHF All Mode Portable Transceivers incorporate all the attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND with upgrades that many owners have desired. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source. The supplied Ni-MH battery pack (SBR-32MH) provides greater battery capacity - 9.6v/ 1900mAh.
- 评论数: 23
RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-818ND
This is basically an updated FT-817ND with 60 m coverage, redesigned RF power amp, higher capacity battery pack and TCXO-9 fitted as standard. New price 2018 in Sweden: SEK 7295:-
走到哪可以带到哪的便携式短波电台,八重洲FT818全波段短波电 …
2022年3月8日 · 八重洲的FT818便携式小功率短波电台入手已经有一年多了,最近带出去晒了晒太阳,也有很多朋友关注到这款短波电台,今天我们就来聊聊这种便携式小功率短波电台的优缺点,仅供大家选购时参考。 在此之前,最早小汪从八重洲的FT857D,到ICOM艾可慕的IC-7300,因为当时7300价格不菲,所以就出掉了手里的857D,毕竟内置天调,SDR,彩屏触摸,实时频谱非常的香甜! 后来寻思着每次外出时,携带7300非常的不方便,正值当时八重洲推出817的升级 …
2022年12月31日 · ft-817 也是“三巨头”厂商之一推出的第一款价格实惠的小功率宽频电台,起初,这款机器的售价大约是 670 美元, ft-817 不仅涵盖了所有的高频米波段,而且还兼顾了甚高频和超高频。
FT-818 全模式便携收发电台-Yaesu八重洲中国官网-八重洲电子设 …
- 增强的6W功率输出 (SSB, CW, FM) 2.0W (AM载波) *新! - 改进的频率稳定度 ±0.5 ppm : 内置TCXO-9 *新! - 更大的电池容量 : 9.6V/1,900mAh (SBR-32) *新! 产品彩页: http://www.yaesu.com.cn/shuomingshu/FT-818%20katalog.pdf.
Yaesu FT-818ND FT-818 6W HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Mobile Transceiver
2018年4月9日 · The new Yaesu FT-818 incorporates all of the basic and attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND while providing upgrades desired by many existing owners. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source.
- 4.7/5(35)
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-818ND - eHam.net
The new FT-818 incorporates all the many basic and attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND while providing upgrades desired by many existing owners. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source.
Yaesu FT-818ND, Yaesu FT818ND, Yaesu FT-818 - Universal Radio
The radio is a fully self-contained, battery-powered, low power amateur MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver for portable/camping/mountain top use. Providing coverage of of the 160-10 meter amateur bands including 60 meters, plus the 6 meter, 2 meter and 70 cm bands, the FT-818ND includes operation on the SSB, CW, AM, FM and digital modes. This radio is ...
商品情報 - FT-818ND/八重洲無線株式会社 - Yaesu
八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。 アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。
Yaesu FT-818ND - WiMo
The Yaesu FT-818ND is a very compact all-mode portable transceiver for all shortwave bands, 6 m, 2 m and 70 cm. The maximum transmit power is 6 watts. It can be reduced to 2.5, 1 and 0.5 watts.