YAESU, FT-60R, Transceivers HT Dual Band 2m-70cm, FT60R
Yaesu's FT-60R 144/430 MHz 5-Watt FM Hand-held is one of HRO's most popular selling dual band radios! The FT-60R includes wide receiver coverage, outstanding audio quality, the most CTCSS/DCS flexibility in the industry, and a new Emergency Automatic Identification (EAI) feature for search-and-rescue work.
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FT-60R USA - Yaesu
The FT-60R features outstanding transmit and receive audio, thanks to its commercial-grade microphone element and speaker. You get crisp, clean audio that will get your message through even under difficult operating or propagation conditions.
Yaesu FT-60R 144/430 MHz Dual-Band HTs FT-60R - DX Engineering
Its incredibly tiny FNB-83 Rechargeable Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery Pack provides up to 5W of transmit power on the 144MHz and 430MHz Amateur Bands. Besides 144- and 430-MHz …
- 评论数: 85
Yaesu FT-60R 5W VHF/UHF FM Dual Band Handheld Transceiver
The Yaesu FT-60R is a 5W FM HT that covers 144/430 MHz. The FT-60R includes wide receiver coverage, outstanding audio quality, the most CTCSS/DCS flexibility in the industry, and a new Emergency Automatic Identification (EAI) feature for search-and-rescue work.
- 评论数: 9
FT-60R内置一块FNB-83可更换充电镍氢电池,工作电压为7.2V,电量为1400mAh,可以连续待机超过72小时。 如果使用外接电源工作电源则增宽为6-16V。 收听时电流强度根据频段不同在45-125mA间变化,而发射时最大电流为1.5A。 CTCSS/DCS coding Split SPL.OFF/SPL. ON. 1.某些设置模式元素(像设置模式元素50:TN FRQ)需要用F/W来进行设置的保存,有别于通常的按PTT键。 2.2个设置模式元素(出厂默认值:设置模式元素29:PAGER;还有设置模式元 …
Yaesu FT-60R - eHam.net
Have replaced 2 batteries in 16 years. Receiving is still good even on AM and transmit power tested is till 5 and 4 watts with fully scharged battery. Still gets into repeaters even when …
Yaesu FT-60R DualBand Handheld 5W VHF/UHF Amateur Radio …
2011年2月23日 · Dual Band VHF/UHF 2 Meter & 70cm Amateur Radio. 5 Watt Output, ctcss/dcs (PL & DPL), DTMF, AlphaNumeric Display, Lighted Keypad, Scan modes. Receives 108-520Mhz and 700-999.99Mhz MHz (less cell), Transmits 144-148Mhz & 430-450Mhz. One Thousand memory Channels, NOAA Weather Alert & more! Includes …
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The FT-60R/E is a dual band FM transceiver with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitor-ing capability.
Yaesu FT-60, Yaesu FT60R 2 Meter HT - Universal Radio
The Yaesu FT-60R dual-band 2 meter/440 MHz HT boasts 5 watts output on both bands. It also features wideband receive from 108-520 and 700-999.990 MHz (less cellular). An Emergency Automatic ID system will automatically cause your FT-60R to transmit your callsign and engage the mic if you are disabled and unable to press the PTT switch.
Amazon.com: YAESU FT-60R
FT-60R Handheld Radio Bundle with Diamond SRH77CA High Gain Antenna, Yaesu SDD-13 12V DC Adapter, and HAM Guides Quick Reference Card