RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-980
CAT control. 455 KHz IF output jack.
Yaesu FT-980 Transceiver - Universal Radio
The Yaesu FT-980 is a deluxe HF transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters amateur bands in SSB, CW, FM and AM Modes. This radio features two independent receiver front ends. One is for general coverage receive from 150 kHz to 29.99999 MHz and the other for the amateur bands only. Seven JFETs are employed to provide extraordinary dynamic range.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-980 - eHam.net
If you are a seasoned ham and jaded by the latest whiz-bang scope heavy dsp-sdr auto-everything radio, try a retro Yaesu FT-980. And use a paper logbook while using it.....you will remember why you got into ham radio in the first place. Time Owned: more than 12 months. I am very glad I decided to purchase this old radio a few years ago.
Yaesu FT-980 Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Yaesu FT-980 Price and Specifications. All mode, all solid state HF transceiver. Up to 100 Watts SSB output on all ham bands, RF speech processor is included. Two receiver front-ends, dual display system, IF shift and width controls, IF notch filter, CW audio peak filter.
Yaesu FT-980 (FT 980 FT980) user and service manual, …
3 天之前 · PDF User Manual for Yaesu FT-980 (FT 980 FT980) : PDF Service Manual for Yaesu FT-980 (FT 980 FT980) : Yaesu FT-980 (FT 980 FT980) technical specifications : Yaesu FT-980 (FT 980 FT980) technical specifications: Type: Amateur HF transceiver: Frequency range: 10-160 m + WARC: Mode: AM/FM/SSB/CW: RF Power output: SSB/CW: 100 W
T he FT-980 is a very heavy-duty. rcu-tea lured base-station transceiver. It has about every operating feature one could imagine in an h.f. transceiver with general-coverage re ceive, However, it is a lot more than a trans ceiver with various " bells and whistles." It is one 01the "new generation" of transceivers slowly emerging on the ...
Yaesu FT 980 Radio Transceiver for sale online - eBay
The Yaesu FT-980 radio transceivers features ten VCOs, which are used over the local signal range to secure a low carrier-to-noise ratio. The FT-980 stores 12 channels so they are readily accessible every time you switch it on.
Now being introduced in the FT-980, Yaesu's Computer Aided Transceiver system is specially designed to provide for external microcomputer control of the FT-980 and other future Yaesu transceivers. Externally controllable functions include mode selection, IF passband control and frequency selection and storage functions.
- [PDF]
IW2NMX Home Page
The FT-980 is designed for best performance with an antenna System presenting a SO- to 75-011m resistive load at the operating frequency. While the transmitter output circuitry is designed for uniform response Within Ähis impedance range, high SWR will cause reduced output power and degraded receiver performance: At an SWR of 3:1, the
Yaesu FT-980, Desktop Shortwave Transceiver - RigReference.com
The Yaesu FT-980 is a 10-160 m + WARC transceiver supporting SSB/CW and AM modulations. Maximum RF output is 100 W PEP for SSB/CW, 25 W PEP for AM, and 50 W PEP for FM. The radio features 1 memory bank with 12 channels. It comes with a built-in AC power supply. Dimensions are 157 × 370 × 350 mm and the weight is 17 kg.