Fat Man - Wikipedia
" Fat Man " (also known as Mark III) was the design of the nuclear weapon the United States used for seven of the first eight nuclear weapons ever detonated in history. A Fat Man device was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki on 9 August 1945. It was the second and largest of the only two nuclear weapons ever used in warfare.
A Tale of Two Bomb Designs | Los Alamos National Laboratory
2023年10月10日 · It verified that an implosion-type plutonium bomb (Fat Man) would be successful when released above Japan just weeks later. The explosive power from The Gadget’s detonation was equivalent to around 21,000 tons of TNT; its mushroom cloud grew to about 3,280 feet wide with a column of smoke in excess of 40,000 feet high.
The Bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, 1945 - The National WWII Museum
The bombing of the Japanese city of Nagasaki with the Fat Man plutonium bomb device on August 9, 1945, caused terrible human devastation and helped end World War II.
美国为什么给两颗原子弹取名叫「Little Boy」和「Fat Man」?
fat man 胖子,是内爆式起爆的钚弹,内爆式因为设计特点,需要设计成圆滚滚的样子,因为需要容纳一圈用于向内施压的炸药。
"Fat Man" Atomic Bomb - National Museum of the USAF
A "Fat Man" bomb was dropped over Nagasaki, Japan, on Aug. 9, 1945, near the end of World War II. Released by the B-29 Bockscar, the 10,000-pound weapon was detonated at an altitude of approximately 1,800 feet over the city. The bomb had an explosive force,
AtomicBombMuseum.org - The Bombings
Nicknamed “Fat Man” (for England’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill), this bomb had a core of plutonium 239, was 3.5 meters in length by 1.5 meters in diameter, and it weighed 4.5 tons. Its plutonium core was surrounded by 64 explosive charges arranged in an inner and outer shell.
Section 8.0 The First Nuclear Weapons
For use in combat, each Fat Man bomb required assembly almost from scratch - a demanding and time consuming job. Assembly of a Fat Man bomb was (and may still be) the most complex field preparation operation for any weapon ever made.
Documentation and Diagrams of the Atomic Bomb
[See diagram below for blast ranges from the atomic blast.] On August 9th 1945, Nagasaki fell to the same treatment as Hiroshima. Only this time, a Plutonium bomb nicknamed "Fat Man" was dropped on the city. Even though the "Fat Man" missed by over a mile and a half, it still leveled nearly half the city.
(@fta.man) • Instagram photos and videos
3 Followers, 3 Following, 5 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @fta.man
Fat Man – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Fat Man (tạm dịch: "Gã béo"; còn được gọi là Mark III) là mật danh của quả bom hạt nhân mà Hoa Kỳ đã thả xuống thành phố Nagasaki (Nhật Bản) vào ngày 9 tháng 8 năm 1945. Đây là vũ khí hạt nhân thứ hai trong số hai vũ khí hạt nhân duy nhất từng được sử dụng trong chiến tranh, sau quả bom đầu tiên Little Boy, và ...