AI - Official From the Depths Wiki
The Mainframe AI in From the Depths can do just about everything you can with a vehicle. It can read the world's heightmap and steer clear of areas that are too shallow or too mountainous to be passable, and it can recieve target data from Detection systems, allowing it to position itself relative to the target, and perform basic evasive ...
AI Breadboard - Official From the Depths Wiki
The AI Breadboard allows you to build logic circuits to control actuators such as spin blocks and pistons, augment AI behavior, or construct your own custom behaviors from scratch without requiring any experience in coding. The block is located in the AI build menu and is distinct from the 'Bread Board' located in the control build menu, as it ...
AI – From The Depths
Design custom AI by combing an AI mainframe with ‘AI cards’ slotted into motherboard blocks. Add radar detection, laser detection and tracking and local weapon controllers to give partial or full control to AI. Create anything from a fully AI controlled aircraft carrier to a battery powered drone.
深海远航介绍 - 深海远航中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络 …
深海远航(From the Depths / FTD)是一款由物理引擎驱动的开放沙盒游戏,在游戏中玩家可以“用直观的基于体素的建造系统建造毁灭性的战争机器,以主宰陆地、海洋和天空。
From-the-Depths/Advanced Aerial AI/README.md at master - GitHub
Introducing my version of an advanced aerial AI. This Lua script is intended as a drop-in replacement for the standard aerial AI, with many more parameters to set and far more robust altitude matching and terrain handling, as well as PID controllers for more stable flight.
From The Depths INSTANT Tutorial: General AI Guide, Detection …
From The Depths INSTANT Tutorials, this time we take a big look on the AI for your systems, detection and tracking as well as weapon control and target prior...
A question about movement AI : r/FromTheDepths - Reddit
2015年8月9日 · I noticed going for dual rudders very often makes AI wiggle ships back and forth. The AI has always been uncooperative in FTD, you just gotta play with each factor that the AI is using to move the craft.
AI controls? :: From The Depths General Discussions - Steam Community
2015年6月25日 · how do i give control of my turrents and other guns over to AI when im near them insted of me having control? And you can set up weapon groups, also don't forget the "Fire Control" in the "Control" section, then you can use weapons no matter where on the ship. You can give orders/way-points via "Q" or "C" and right clicking when you're in "Q" mode.
AI OR WEAPON PROBLEM :: From The Depths General Discussions
2017年12月2日 · If you are controling the weapon (have its weapon group selected while close to it or a fire control), the you get the 'AI waiting for control' message.