FTS Inc.
FTS designs and manufactures extremely rugged systems, dataloggers, DCPs and sensors for hydrology and hydromet monitoring. Our focus is to make our customers successful in their …
Products - FTS Inc.
The FTS FS-3 electronic fuel stick sensor is commonly deployed on-site near prescribed burn and wildfire operations. The sensor’s output tracks closely with 10-hour fuel moisture, an invaluable indicator of fire behavior.
Software - FTS Inc.
SOFTWARE For users who want to setup, configure, and manage their own platform. Supports FTS and 3rd party devices with cellular, Iridium, Inmarsat, GOES and Meteosat telemetry. Create custom alerts and actions that can be triggered intelligently and automatically. Offline access to devices using mobile app.
Dataloggers and Accessories - FTS Inc.
The color-coded, single-port design makes connecting sensors during installation and maintenance dead simple and fast. All FTS sensors include bayonet connectors, and they can be added to any of your current SDI-12 sensors, power sources and rain gauges.
Product Documentation - FTS Inc.
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Cameras - FTS Inc.
Acting as overwatch, FTS360 software and FTS camera systems provide ground and air attack teams reliable ignition verification, imagery with weather overlay data during the day and near IR at night to support lookout teams.
Customer Care - FTS Inc.
OUR COMMITMENT FTS was founded on a single guiding principle: to make our customers successful in their efforts to monitor, record and analyse ongoing changes in the natural environment. This means providing customers with exceptional service and support.
FTS: Contact FTS - FTS Inc.
Contact FTS. We’d Love to Hear from You! Please fill in the form and will be sure to connect with you shortly.
FTS360 - FTS Inc.
FTS360 - FTS Inc. ... FTS360
EON2 GOES/Meteosat Antenna - FTS Inc.
For over 40 years FTS has helped build resilient communities against extreme weather events by providing innovative and reliable situational awareness. As part of the AEM global family of …