Corporate & Continuing Education - Fayetteville Technical …
Name of Class Start & End Dates Cost / Fees; Building Construction Technology (BCT) 02/03-04/30/2025: Tuition $180.00 + Carpentry Kit $500 + OSHA Card $10 + EPA Exam $40 + NCCER Registration $24 + Books $300 (Total: $1,054.00)
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- Fayetteville Technical Community College
Dec 17, 2024 · Name of Class Start & End Dates Cost / Fees; Building Construction Technology (BCT) 02/03-04/30/2025: Tuition $180.00 + Carpentry Kit $500 + OSHA Card $10 + EPA Exam $40 + NCCER Registration $24 + Books $300 (Total: $1,054.00)
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Curriculum Registration - Fayetteville Technical Community College
Credit for Prior Learning. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) may be awarded if a student has learning experience through military service, fire certifications, industrial and corporate training programs, apprenticeship programs, or successful completion of standardized exams.. The maximum CPL credit applicable toward graduation is 75% of the degree, diploma, or certificate.
FTCC High School Connections - Let's Connect
Who we Are. High School Connections offers a a variety of pathways for High School students to take and earn college credit. Click the link below to learn more about what High School Connections can offer you.
Associate Degree Nursing - Fayetteville Technical Community …
Message from the Department Chair. The Associate Degree Nursing program is your gateway to a dynamic and rewarding career in healthcare. Our meticulously designed curriculum, centered on key concepts, not only provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve overall well-being but also enables you to create a tangible difference in healthcare, quality of life, and …
Academic Resources & Support - Fayetteville Technical …
What is an Academic Agreement? An Academic Agreement is helpful for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution. FTCC has agreements with various colleges, universities, and educational facilities that determine what credits will transfer.
Ready to Transition - Fayetteville Technical Community College
Building Construction Technology. This is a 12-week course designed to introduce elements of construction building trades. OSHA, NCCER safety, electrical, solar, carpentry, drafting, plumbing, HVAC/EPA, welding, masonry and human resource development will be covered.