Tank, Heavy No. 2, 183 mm Gun, FV215 - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年5月30日 · With its monstrous, 183 mm gun, this vehicle has become something of a legend among enthusiasts of a particular age, largely due to a popular video game. …
这车以多个名字而为人所知, FV215重型反坦克SP2号,炮坦2号,或者就是简单的FV215。 1950年11月开始设计阶段,在陆军部开的一个会议后研究决定将由一个合适的车扛一杆新的QF183mm(7.2英寸)L4加农炮。 一开始是将开发任务交给莫里斯的,但是后来被交由维克斯设计。 [1] 设计组选择了FV200的车体底盘(就是卡那封和征服者的车体)。 底盘尽可能采取了最小的改动,而其中最大的改动就是将炮塔后移成为后置炮塔。 这是为了避免把巨大炮管伸出车 …
List of FV series military vehicles - Wikipedia
FV215, Cancelled project for a heavy SPG based on the Conqueror Mk II tank with a 183 mm gun and rear placement of the traversable turret and fighting compartment.
FV215 – The 183 mm Death Star - Tank Historia
2023年5月18日 · In this article we will be taking a look at a fan-favourite vehicle, the mighty FV215. This British tank is essentially the tougher, better fed sibling of the iconic FV4005, with both vehicles being armed with the biggest direct-fire, dedicated anti-tank gun ever mounted on a …
征服者坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在《坦克世界》中,卡納芬 (Caernarvon)、征服者 (Conqueror)、FV 215 (遊戲中名為 FV 215b (183) )、FV 215b (砲塔後置的虛構型) 及 超級征服者 (super conqueror) 分別作為英國VIII階、IX階重型坦克、X階驅逐戰車 以及X階重戰車 ( FV 215b 及 s.conqueror皆是 )。
FV215 Heavy Tank Destroyer: IS-3 Killer - The Armored Patrol
2017年1月15日 · In 1950, work began on the FV215. This was a little known British tank-destroyer project that never left the conceptual phase. It was set to be an IS killer, and would no doubt have sent a very cold shiver down the spine of Soviet tank crews. This vehicle is known by many names, FV215 Heavy Anti-Tank SP No.2, Gun Tank No.2, or simply FV215.
坦克科普:征服者 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年4月7日 · FV 215 实验型号,在征服者Mk.II为基础研发,最大的特色在于改为不能360度旋转的后置式的炮塔和183mm火炮,车身的装甲设计也不太一样。
FV215b 183 – GuidesBlitz
The FV215b 183 is one of the top tier British tank destroyers. It has the highest single shot damage in game, with great standard and HESH penetration. Other than this it has decent mobility, a surprisingly decent performing gun, though poor accuracy and quite weak armour. Click the table of contents below to access the section you want:
FV215b (183) - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The FV215b (183) is a British tier 10 premium tank destroyer. Project for a heavy SPG based on the Conqueror Mk II tank with a 183 mm gun and rear placement of the traversable turret and fighting compartment.
FV215b 183 — Tier X English tank destroyer - Blitz Hangar
Project for a heavy SPG based on the Conqueror Mk II tank with a 183 mm gun and rear placement of the traversable turret and fighting compartment. The vehicle was designed to counter Soviet heavy tanks at long range (up to 1,829 m) and should have been able to withstand return fire from 122 mm guns at a distance of up to 500 m.