FV4005 – Heavy Anti-Tank, SP, No. 1 “Centaur” - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年7月31日 · This requirement led to the development of the ‘Ordnance, Quick-Firing, 183 mm, Tank, L4 Gun’, the largest purpose-built anti-tank gun to have ever been created. It was intended that this gun would be mounted on a new ‘Heavy …
The Insane FV4005 – 183 mm of Ridiculousness - Tank Historia
2021年11月22日 · Inside this turret, which has become affectionately known as the “S**barn”, is an enormous – and completely overkill – 183 mm gun. Designed as a stop-gap solution until the 183 mm FV215 was ready, the FV4005 was a way for …
FV4005 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Fv4005(英語:Fighting vehicles 4005,4005號作戰載具)是英國在冷戰初期的1950年代研製之驅逐戰車。 由於 盾式反戰車飛彈 ( 英語 : Malkara_(missile) ) 的服役,驅逐戰車之需求遭到反戰車飛彈取代,故終止了研究計畫。
The FV4005 - The Tank Museum
2023年11月16日 · The FV4005 has what is almost certainly the largest gun ever fitted to a tank. It marks the high point of the race throughout the history of armoured warfare to build bigger and bigger guns that could defeat thicker and thicker armour at longer and longer range.
FV4005 | War Thunder Wiki
With the largest-calibre conventional tank gun in the game at 183 mm, even glancing hits from its powerful HESH shells tend to result in significant damage to a target. Despite their size, the shells have decent muzzle velocity, making them relatively easy to range and aim.
The 50-ton Monster: A look at the FV4005 - Military Trader/Vehicles
2025年2月10日 · However, all of these were outclassed by the L4A1 gun mounted on the FV 4005 project with its enormous 183mm (7.2 inches) firepower. See the FV4005 in action as well as more information from the Tank Museum below.
FV4005 II型 - 百度百科
FV4005 II型是20世纪50年代(1951年)于百夫长坦克底盘的基础上(作为坦克歼击车设计的FV 4004 Conway项目停止之时)而设计的加强型号。 该车重达50吨,装备了一个640马力的流星MK.IVB型发动机为该车提供了12.75hp/t的马力重量比。
FV4005 - The Tank Museum
The FV4005 project came about in the late 1940s as a British attempt to build the longest range and most powerful gun possible to defeat a new generation of Soviet heavy tanks. The 183mm calibre L4A1 is the biggest gun ever fitted to a tank.
British Colossus: FV4005 - Tank Archives
2016年2月28日 · The SPG with a 183 mm gun and an autoloader was known as FV4005 Stage I. An altered chassis of the Centution Mk.3 served as the base for the design. A huge trail was added to the rear, lowered during firing, and the front plate received a travel lock for the gun.
FV4005 - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.67 "Assault", the FV4005 Stage II is truly the epitome of a "glass cannon". With the largest-calibre conventional tank gun in the game at 183 mm, even glancing hits from its powerful HESH shells tend to result in significant damage to a target.