Chieftain (tank) - Wikipedia
The FV4201 Chieftain was the main battle tank (MBT) of the United Kingdom from the 1960s into 1990s. When introduced, it was among the most heavily armed MBTs of the era, mounting a 120 mm Royal Ordnance L11 gun, the equal of the much larger specialist heavy tanks then in service.
FV4201 Chieftain/90mm Gun Tank T95 Hybrid - Tank Encyclopedia
2017年12月5日 · In the short term, the UK would up-armor and up-gun their Centurions to meet the perceived threat of the Soviet T-55 tank until their own new tank, the FV4201, could enter production. The FV4201 is better known as ‘ The Chieftain ’ and, despite being near the end of its development, many features still had not been settled on.
女王的老黄牛——FV4201酋长(Chieftain)主战坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
1959年,FV4201坦克的原型车设计正式完成,同年生产了12辆原型车,并于1960年开始了诸如主炮射击,子系统测试以及部件耐久度等试验。 在测试中FV4201的动力系统暴露出了许多问题。 首先就是发动机振动的问题,为此英国设计师在发动机曲轴上安装了阻尼减振器以缓解震动。 然后就是传动箱发热问题,为此设计师改变了冷却液的结构分布并为其安装了一部热交换器。 原型车过低的离地间隙也使得其在松软地面行驶时的通过性较差,因此设计人员对悬挂系统进行了改动, …
FV 4201 Chieftain - Military Wiki
The FV 4201 Chieftain was the main battle tank of the United Kingdom during the 1960s and 1970s. It was one of the most advanced tanks of its era, and at the time of its introduction in 1966 had the most powerful main gun and heaviest armour of any tank in the world.[1]
FV4201 Chieftain (1966) - tank-afv.com
FV 4201 MBT specifications: Dimensions (L-W-H) 35'4" (24'6" without gun) x 11'5" x 9'5" ft.in (10.79m (7.51m) x 3.5m x 2.89m) Total weight, battle ready: 55 tons (11000 Ibs) Crew: 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader). Propulsion: British Leyland diesel BL 40, 450-650 bhp, later BL 60, 695 bhp: Speed: 48/30 km/h road/cross-country (29.82/18.64 mph)
【坦克解析】酋长坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
FV-4202的驾驶席位于车头正中央,驾驶座采用半躺卧设计以降低车体高度,这种特征便延续到酋长以及挑战者主力战车。 1957至1962年,英国军用车辆和工程研发中心继续推出了7辆FV-4201原型车,在测试中发现引擎、变速箱与承载系统存在若干问题,排除之后于1963年正式开始量产,并命名为酋长. FV. 4202. 技术特点. 能装载更多的燃料,特别改进了防地雷性能、加装了减振器、采用自动变速箱公司的TN12型自动传动装置。 "酋长"MK15型坦克,装维克斯仪器 …
Chieftain Mk 5 (FV4201) - brittanks.org
Originally designed as the replacement for the Centurion and the Conqueror. Due to protracted development problems, mainly around the engine, transmission and suspension, the first Chieftain entered service with the British Army in 1967 and 900 were eventually supplied plus another 450 for export to Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait and Oman.
FV4201 Chieftain | Tanktastic Wiki - Fandom
The FV4201 Chieftain was the main battle tank of the United Kingdom during the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's. It was one of the most advanced tanks of its era, and at the time of its introduction in 1966 had the most powerful main gun and most effective armor of any tank in the world.
WOT新车丨史上最强9级金币/特种重坦 这就来了?FV4201酋长原 …
把FV4201“酋长”的炮塔安装在T95中型坦克的车体上,这就是10级特种重坦“酋五千”/“秃头酋”。 这俩的现实原型是一个车,但游戏里数据做了区分,秃头酋的性能要强于酋五千. 截止2022年4月1日,FV4201酋长原型车的数据如下,乘员均为100%熟练度、无配件情况下: 坦克评价. 目前图片有点少. 根据FV4201酋长原型车目前的数据,该车的优缺点如下: 我个人认为,现在这个数据形态下的FV4201酋长原型车,可以说是2022年甚至是wot开服以来,WG设计过的最强大的金币/特 …
T95/FV4201 酋长:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
T95/FV4201 酋长的分析视频中包括了坦克的主要参数及战斗表现。