Validation for T-Code FV60 - SAP Community
Hi Gurus! I'm facing a problem with T-CODE FV60. I created a validation in T-code OB28 below: Prerequisite: (SYST-TCODE = 'FV60' OR SYST-TCODE = 'FB60' ) AND BSEG-KOART = 'K
looking for a way to park invoice using F-63, but viewing as in FV60
FV60 is an enjoy transaction, & hence we are using Tcode F-63 for invoice parking using BDC. Our users are accustomed to looking at the invoice using the FV60 screen. Is there any way …
Help for FI document park Workflow | SAP Community
Iu2019m actually working on the SAP workflow dealing with the FIPP object and the event u201Ccreatedu201D (FI park document transaction (FV60)). The problem is that the WF is …
FI - How to reverse Park Invoice created by FV60 (No deletion, …
For invoices without PO, the park invoice is created by transaction FV60, but some times the user has to "cancel" the park invoice to allow the creation a-of a new park invoice because it was …
How read the document text entered in transaction FV60 and MIRO?
Hi, I wanted to read the document’s text (INVFO-SGTXT) that was posted via FV60 and MIRO transaction so that I can print it on the check stub.
Create a view for FV60 | SAP Community
Create a view for FV60. 50 Views. Follow RSS Feed Hi, I am fairly new to the Webdynpro world. I wanted to ...
FV60 parking - SAP Community
FV60 parking. 31 Views. Follow RSS Feed Xperts, i want to check some conditions during parking through ...
FV60 / MIRO: BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 implemented but not called
All, I implemented badi BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 but it is not called. I only added a breakpoint in the code and used the code from the example implementation from SAP. When I debug …
system captures the baseline date as the document date
User has changed the Baseline date as 05/11/2011 in the parked document 12345644/ 54123456 via t-code FV60, however, when the document was posted, the baseline date …
Display Transaction Codes - SAP Community
2012年2月28日 · What are the corresponding transaction codes for the following: 1. MIR7. 2. FB50 . 3. FB08. 4. MR1M. 5. MIRO. 6. FB01. 7. M