Validation for T-Code FV60 - SAP Community
Hi Gurus! I'm facing a problem with T-CODE FV60. I created a validation in T-code OB28 below: Prerequisite: (SYST-TCODE = 'FV60' OR SYST-TCODE = 'FB60' ) AND BSEG-KOART = 'K
looking for a way to park invoice using F-63, but viewing as in FV60
FV60 is an enjoy transaction, & hence we are using Tcode F-63 for invoice parking using BDC. Our users are accustomed to looking at the invoice using the FV60 screen. Is there any way we can park the invoice using F-63, but when viewing it opens as in FV60. Thanks in advance
Help for FI document park Workflow | SAP Community
Iu2019m actually working on the SAP workflow dealing with the FIPP object and the event u201Ccreatedu201D (FI park document transaction (FV60)). The problem is that the WF is launched for all document types wich is not the need of the customer. Iu2019m looking for a solution to launch the WF for some specific document types.
FI - How to reverse Park Invoice created by FV60 (No deletion, …
For invoices without PO, the park invoice is created by transaction FV60, but some times the user has to "cancel" the park invoice to allow the creation a-of a new park invoice because it was link to a PO. The goal is that I have to reverse the parked Document (they don't want to deleted it, only a reversing). How can we do this in FI ?
How read the document text entered in transaction FV60 and MIRO?
Hi, I wanted to read the document’s text (INVFO-SGTXT) that was posted via FV60 and MIRO transaction so that I can print it on the check stub.
Create a view for FV60 | SAP Community
Create a view for FV60. 50 Views. Follow RSS Feed Hi, I am fairly new to the Webdynpro world. I wanted to ...
FV60 parking - SAP Community
FV60 parking. 31 Views. Follow RSS Feed Xperts, i want to check some conditions during parking through ...
FV60 / MIRO: BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 implemented but not called
All, I implemented badi BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 but it is not called. I only added a breakpoint in the code and used the code from the example implementation from SAP. When I debug transaction FV60 and MIR
system captures the baseline date as the document date
User has changed the Baseline date as 05/11/2011 in the parked document 12345644/ 54123456 via t-code FV60, however, when the document was posted, the baseline date u201Cdefaultsu201D to the document date. Appreciate any …
Display Transaction Codes - SAP Community
2012年2月28日 · What are the corresponding transaction codes for the following: 1. MIR7. 2. FB50 . 3. FB08. 4. MR1M. 5. MIRO. 6. FB01. 7. M