U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
United States federal agency that manages national wildlife refuges, protects endangered species, manages migratory birds, restores nationally significant fisheries, and enforces …
美国鱼类及野生动植物管理局 - 百度百科
美国鱼类及野生动植物管理局(英文:United States Fish and Wildlife Service;缩写:USFWS或FWS)是一个隶属于美国内政部的联邦政府机构,主要管理鱼类、野生动植物和自然栖息地。
Information Resources and Technology Management (IRTM)
Driven by customer needs, IRTM provides secure, sustainable, efficient and effective management of information resources and technology to enhance and enable the Service's …
美國魚類及野生動物管理局 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美國魚類及野生動物管理局(英文:United States Fish and Wildlife Service,縮寫:FWS)是一個隸屬於美國內政部的聯邦政府機構,主要管理魚類、野生動物和自然棲息地。這個機構的職責 …
Permits | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
If you know what permit you are looking for, you can search for it using keywords or the permit ID number. Also be aware that some States and Local governments require different permits or …
United States Fish and Wildlife Service - Wikipedia
Among the responsibilities of the USFWS are enforcing federal wildlife laws; protecting endangered species; managing migratory birds; restoring nationally significant fisheries; …
US Fish and Wildlife Service是什么意思 - 百度知道
2015年4月12日 · 美国鱼类及野生动物管理局(英文:United States Fish and WildlifeService,缩写:FWS)是一个隶属于美国内政部的联邦政府机构,主要管理鱼类、野生动物和自然栖息地。
FWS - CloudDesktop
This guide provides quick and easy instructions to get you started. Enterprise Support Desk: (800) 520-2433. Insert your PIV Card to begin. The first time you connect will take a couple of …
FWS - IPaC: Home
Quickly and easily identify USFWS managed resources and suggested conservation measures for your project. See if any listed species, critical habitat, migratory birds or other natural …
Listing and Classification | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
We use the best scientific information available to determine whether to add a species to (list) or remove from (delist) the federal lists of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. We …