Text - H.R.244 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Consolidated ...
Text for H.R.244 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017
The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 | The White House
American businesses have added 14 million jobs over the past 71 months – the longest streak of job growth on record. Our unemployment rate is below five percent for the first time in almost eight years. And the economy added 903,000 new manufacturing jobs in the last six years – the first sustained job growth in the sector since the 1990s.
Summaries of activities from previous years, the current fiscal year (FY17), and future plans are also provided. TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................
H.R.244 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 - Congress.gov
There are 4 summaries for H.R.244. Bill summaries are authored by CRS. Highlights: This bill provides FY2017 appropriations for most federal agencies for the remainder of FY2017.
Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) > Budget Materials ...
FY17 Revolving Funds; FY17 Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) FY17 Defense-Wide Working Capital Fund (DWWCF) Operating Budgets; Military Construction. To download as a single PDF click here (221 pages, 1.47 MB) Cover; Table of Contents; Total State Listing; Budget Appendix; Special Program Considerations;
President Obama’s final budget, to be released February 9th, is his last chance to put his administration’s stamp on the nation’s defense spending. Over the past 8 years, Obama has overseen a major evolution in the Pentagon’s priorities.
The US Army’s FY17 Budget Amendment Request, totaling $8.3B (6% increase over PB17) in Base and OCO, funds critical requirements to: combat ISIS, restore some warfighter readiness and arrest the...
Nuclear Deterrence - News
In FY17, Group 1530 test completed a rocket-assisted cable pull-down (CPD) test for the B61-11 program. This test was the end-point of over a year of hazardous test activities including static fire tests to characterize rocket motor thrust profiles, and a calibration CPD test.
PPL Annual Report FY17 | Portland Public Library
NOTE: PPL has a new catalog system! PINs have been reset to the final four digits of your library card number. Learn More »
FY17 Budget & Appropriations - CLPHA
CLPHA views the FY17 increases for skinny budget-targeted programs as a repudiation of the Administration’s direction for housing and community development programs, and as a hopeful sign for FY18. However, two disappointments in FY17 were the public housing operating fund which experienced a reduction when compared to FY16, and RAD, which ...