Al-Fahd - Wikipedia
The Al Fahd is available in three configurations: The AF-40-8-1; an armoured personnel carrier (APC) or infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant, and the AF-40-8-2; an armoured fighting/ …
Al-Faris 8-400 - Wikipedia
The Al-Faris 8-400 Armored Personnel Carrier, produced by the Abdullah Al-Faris Heavy Industries company, is part of the Al-Faris 8-400 family of armoured vehicles. It was planned to …
2024年11月20日 · 巴基斯坦塔克西拉重工在卡拉奇防务展上推出了FAARIS轮式装甲车,这是巴基斯坦国内生产的VN22轮式装甲车的升级版。 2. VN22首次公开亮相是在2021年9月28日的珠 …
步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
步兵戰車 (英語: Infantry fighting vehicle, IFV;俄语: Боевая машина пехоты, БМП;日语: 歩兵戦闘車),是能搭载步兵,并能伴随步兵提供火力支援的 装甲运输车辆。 《欧洲常规武 …
Al Fahd – Wheeled Armoured Reconnaissance/Personnel Carrier
The Al Fahd is the first armoured vehicle designed and built in Saudi Arabia. It is an eight-wheeled armoured vehicle. The vehicle is able to negotiate natural and engineered trenches to …
Light wheeled combat vehicles optimized for transporting and supporting infantry during both offensive and defensive operations. Price Range. In 2014 U.S. dollars, the basic AF-40-8-1 …
Army Guide
The Al Fahd is the first armoured vehicle designed and built in Saudi Arabia and is in production for the Saudi Arabian National Guard. It is an 8 wheeled armoured vehicle. The vehicle is …
Saudi Arabian Al Fahd 8x8 Armoured Personnel Carrier
The Saudi Arabian Al Fahd 8×8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier Developed by the Abdallah Al Faris Company for Heavy Industries, it is manufactured in two variants, each having some …
AF-40 Al-Fahd AFV 8x8 Wheeled Armored Fighting Vehicle
2022年9月6日 · The Al-Fahd is marketed across three distinct prefabricated configurations that includes the base "AF-40-8-2" Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) form. From this, the internal …
AF-40 Al-Fahd AFV: Photos, History, Specification
The Al-Fahd is sold in three different prefab configurations, including the base Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) form "AF-40-8-2". As a result, the internal layout was changed, producing the …