(FAB-C) Feelings, Attitudes, and Behaviors Scale for Children
The FAB-C provides insight into a young child's feelings and attitudes that may be contributing to certain behaviors. It is used as a screening tool in schools, outpatient clinics, residential treatment centers, and child protective services.
C 库函数 - fabs() - 菜鸟教程
fabs() 是 C 标准库 <math.h> 中的一个函数,用于计算一个数的绝对值。 这个函数在处理数学运算时非常有用,可以确保获得数值的非负表示。 注意: fabs () 函数可以用于 double、float 和 long double 类型的参数。 如果需要计算整数的绝对值,应该使用 abs () 函数。 下面是 fabs () 函数的声明。 x:一个浮点数。 返回 x 的绝对值,即如果 x 大于等于 0,则返回 x;如果 x 小于 0,则返回 -x。 下面的实例演示了 fabs () 函数的用法。 让我们编译并运行上面的程序,这将产生以下结 …
Introduction Feelings, Attitudes, and Behaviors Scale for instrument designed to assess a range of emotional Children (FAB-C) is an easily administered self-report years. This report provides information about the client’s and behavioral scores and problems how they in compare children with aged 6 scores to 13
FAB-C | psycenter
The FAB-C is a 48 item, Yes-No instrument designed to assess a range of emotional and behavioural problems in children (6-13 years). The FAB-C scales are: Conduct Problems; Self-Image; Worry; Negative Peer Relations and Anti-Social Attitudes.
Feelings Attitudes and Behaviours Scale for Children (FAB-C)
Suited for clinical and research purposes, the FAB-C is used as a routine screening device in schools, outpatient clinics, residential treatment centers, child protective services, and private practices. The normative sample consisted of 1,988 children. Separate norms are available for boys and girls in 2-year age intervals.
Feelings, Attitudes, and Behaviors Scale for Children
The FAB–C provides insight into a young child's feelings and attitudes that may be contributing to certain behaviors
fabs () Function in C - GeeksforGeeks
2023年2月9日 · fabs () function of math.h header file in C programming is used to get the absolute value of a floating point number. This function returns the absolute value in double. Syntax: double fabs (double a); Parameter: It will take a single parameter which …
Feelings, Attitudes and Behaviors Scale for Children (FAB-C)
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Feelings Attitudes and Behaviours Scale for Children
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Feelings, Attitudes, and Behaviors Scale for Children
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