FAB Defense KPOS G2 Conversion Kit for Glock pistols …
The FAB Defense KPOS G2 Conversion Kit for Glock will work for G 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37 (Gen 3 – 5 including ‘C’ Models). The Glock KPOS turns your regular pistol into a stable, fun to shoot personal defense weapon that increases accuracy by making it easier to hold, aim, and control under fire.
FAB Defense KPOS SCOUT G2 Conversion Kit for Glock 17/19/21
Here at CKS TACTICAL, we provide the entire selection of KPOS by FAB Defense. Choose from their original KPOS G1, the upgraded KPOS g2 or newly released “Sling Shot” non-NFA version of the KPOST Scout with various accessories available – ranging from flip up sights and bungee slings to range bags and even more!
FAB KPOS Scout Glock Conversion Kit - FDE - Botach®
Convert your Glock pistol into a powerful personal defense and special operations weapon with the FAB KPOS Scout PDW Conversion. Shop now at Botach.
KPOS G2 Glock 9mm | FAB Defence
The KPOS G2 P.D.W. Conversion-Kit turns a standard handgun into a rock solid personal defense & special operations weapon system. It is used by sportsman and elite military / law enforcement units around the globe in order to maximize ability, versatility and performance while maintaining zero retention for accurate medium range use and minimal ...
Fab Defense KPOS G2 PDW Conversion Kit with Foldable Polymer …
Compared to the Micro Roni, the KPOS G2 is built MUCH stronger, with better materials and has years of usage that proves its reliability. Supports more pistols. Collapsible M4 Style stock (G2C). Pathfinder Stock (G2P). Delta Stock (G2D). Has aluminum AR15 style charging handle which compared to the Micro Roni, is very reliable.
Fab Defense KPOS G2D PDW Conversion Kit with Delta Stock & Integrated Cheek Rest $
KPOS G2 Glock 17/19 - FAB DEFENSE
Das K.P.O.S. G2 Umbau Kit von FAB Defense verwandelt eine Standard-Pistole in ein festes Waffensystem für Sportdisziplinen mit Anschlagschaft oder für die persönliche Verteidigung (PDW Personal Defense Weapon) oder für Spezialeinsätze.
Fab Defense KPOS G2 Aluminum and Polymer PDW Conversion Kit
The KPOS G2 features longer side picatinny rails which will allow you to mount more accessories. The KPOS G2 has more stock options: Collapsible M4 Style stock (G2C). Pathfinder Stock (G2P). Delta Stock (G2D). Supports more pistols. KPOS Scout Advantages: Lighter and smaller than the KPOS G2. Cheaper.
FAB Defense KPOS G1 Conversion Kit for Glock pistols G17/19
The FAB Defense KPOS G1 Conversion Kit for Glock will work for G 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 34, 35 (Gen 3 – 5 including ‘C’ Models). The Glock KPOS turns your regular pistol into a stable, fun to shoot personal defense weapon that increases accuracy by making it easier to hold, aim, and control under fire.
KPOS G2 FAB Defense P.D.W Conversion Kit for Glock models …
The KPOS G2 P.D.W. Conversion-Kit turns a standard handgun into a rock solid personal defense & special operations weapon system. It is used by sportsman and elite military / law enforcement units around the globe in order to maximize ability, versatility and performance while maintaining zero retention for accurate medium range use and minimal ...