Discussion about FAB LAB BUENOS AIRES - forum.fablabs.io
Nov 27, 2016 · El Fab Lab Buenos Aires es un proyecto de laboratorio de fabricación digital de acuerdo a los más altos estándares de la Red internacional Fab Lab; y es desarrollado en forma conjunta por El Reactor, y otros emprendimientos libres de fabricación digital abierta de la república argentina. El objetivo de esta iniciativa es democratizar el acceso a la fabricación …
Discussion about FabLab ETSIDI Ingenia Madrid - forum.fablabs.io
Jun 9, 2017 · El Fab Lab ETSIDIsurge como iniciativa de cinco profesores de dicha escuela, con el objetivo de fomentar el desarrollo académico de los estudiantes, despertar su vocación innovadora, facilitar las iniciativas emprendedoras y complementar la actividad docente e investigadora del Centro. La filosofía y los valores que los mueven son: -Accesibilidad a una …
WeWork Cantù - Labs - forum.fablabs.io
Nov 27, 2016 · WeWork è uno spazio basato sulla filosofia dei Fab lab (Fabrication Laboratory), attrezzato con macchine e strumenti controllati da computers (stampanti 3D, lasercut, plotter da stampa e taglio, fresa 4 assi, Arduino, Scanner 3D, … ), dove persone o gruppi progettano, sviluppano e realizzano oggetti concreti. Nel Fablab la manualità si sposa con la tecnologia e …
Fablab udla application Issue - Labs - forum.fablabs.io
Jul 13, 2023 · Dear fablabs.io, We filled out the application form to register our fablab UDLA at fablab io, but our referred fablabs (Fab Lab Barcelona, fablab Lima, fablab open dot) have not received any notification, and they cannot find us either, as can be seen in the attached images. We have tried to submit the application again, but it shows that our name is already taken …
Discussion about Fablab HEP Vaud - Labs - forum.fablabs.io
Jan 13, 2017 · The Fablab HEP Vaud is located, at the Haute École Pédagogique du canton de Vaud (Swiss school for teachers), in Lausanne. Our fablab is equipped with a combinaison of school manual activities workshops and fablabs tools, spread over 4 différents spaces. With laser and vinyl cutters, Wood and metal work machines, soldering systems, CNC, FDM and DLP 3D …
Fab lab logo usage (copyright) permission - Labs - forum.fablabs.io
May 6, 2019 · Hi, We are planning to start a new Fab Lab. For this we intend to design a new logo. Logos of most labs seems like a modifications of the original logo. What kind of copyright is there for the original FabLab logo, an…
Discussion about Fab Lab Pembrokeshire - forum.fablabs.io
Dec 18, 2016 · Throughout 2015, we expect to establish and grow Fab Lab Pembrokeshire through a community partnership. Initially we plan to start as a mini Fab Lab and grow as we obtain funding, donations and revenue from our own effor…
Inactive / closed Fablabs remove from list/site?
Nov 20, 2023 · FAB LAB UFV didn’t had any coordinates and the code didn’t set this to 0. So on the map FAB LAB UFV and IOTlabSU were overlapping icons on the map and counted if you zoomed out. I changed code that is a fablab don’t have coordinates, it …
Commercialising the Fab Lab - Labs - forum.fablabs.io
Nov 27, 2023 · Can I please ask for advice as to how others are commercialising their Fab Lab and actually making money (or at least not losing money)? How do you charge for your services and what business model do you use? Thanks in advance,
Fab Lab Fortaleza - Labs - forum.fablabs.io
Nov 27, 2016 · The Fab Lab Fortaleza is a space to share equipment, exchange ideas and seek solutions for various projects involving design, engineering, electronics, robotics and others. Our community is made up of professionals from various fields. We are developing and improving our Fab Lab every day.