fabCI package - RDocumentation
See 'Adaptive multigroup confidence intervals with constant coverage' by Yu and Hoff and 'Exact adaptive confidence intervals for linear regression coefficients' by Hoff and Yu . Frequentist assisted by Bayes (FAB) confidence interval construction.
Compute the adaptive FAB t-intervals for the coefficients of a regression model. This function computes the adaptive FAB confidence interval for each coefficient in a linear regres-sion model. A matrix where each row corresponds to the interval and OLS estimate of a coefficient.
The Ultimate Guide to the fabCI Package in R
fabCI is an R package that provides tools for calculating confidence intervals using the fast and bootstrap (FAB) method. It includes functions for interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and result visualization.
R入门基础:RGui、Rstudio和Rtools - 知乎
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{ "Package": "fabCI", "Title": "FAB Confidence Intervals", "Version": "0.2",
fabCI R Package Stats Search and Tutorials | how is this package …
The Google of R packages. fabCI R package. Search and compare packages. Check out how an R package is doing. How to install r package from github.
fabCI source: R/fabtCI.R - R Package Documentation
R/fabtCI.R defines the following functions: wfabt pppaccept fabtCI
fabCI: FAB Confidence Intervals
fabCI: FAB Confidence Intervals Frequentist assisted by Bayes (FAB) confidence interval construction. See 'Adaptive multigroup confidence intervals with constant coverage' by Yu and Hoff < doi:10.1093/biomet/asy009 > and 'Exact adaptive confidence intervals for linear regression coefficients' by Hoff and Yu < doi:10.1214/18-EJS1517 >.
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