FactoryCAD is a 3D layout application that gives you everything you need to create detailed, intelligent factory models. Instead of having to draw lines, arcs and circles, FactoryCAD allows you to work with “smart objects” that represent virtually all …
Siemens Tecnomatix FactoryCAD - Engineering Industries …
FactoryCAD is a factory layout application that gives you everything you need to create detailed, intelligent factory models. Instead of having to draw lines, arcs, and circles, FactoryCAD allows you to work with "smart objects" that represent virtually all of the resources used in a Factory, from floor and overhead conveyors, mezzanines and ...
请问factory CAD到底属于哪个公司哪个软件?在哪里可以下载或者 …
FactoryCAD是基于AutoCAD的二次开发软件,需要建立在AutoCAD软件的基础上,即使用FactoryCAD要安装要求的AutoCAD版本。 AutoCAD2010对应的应该是FactoryCAD15版本,AUTOCaD装好后,你再安装FactoryCAD,两个都安装好后,需要使用AutoCAD中的CUILoad命令把FactoryCAD的菜单装载进来,然后 ...
Factory_CAD使用说明 - 百度文库
容器在工厂里面是非常常见的物体,在Factory CAD中,包括各式的容器。 点击Chlib按钮,从以下路径调入Machine1图形。 可以在Scale:中选择放大的比例. C:\PROGRAM FILES\SIEMENS PLM SOFTWARE\FACTORY PROGRAMS 14.0\BAKTUTOR\FACTORYCAD\FTINCH\TUTOR3。 5、点击“确定”后,在厂区图上将该机器放置在合适的位置上。 3、可以拖动控制,容器的长度和宽度会在屏幕上出现。 4、当你拖动到理想的位置时,单击,容器的标注文字也会随即更新。 1、 …
FactoryCAD软件介绍 - 百度文库
FactoryCAD 是工厂设计和建模软件,帮助用户更好更快的设计工厂布局。 提供给你建立虚拟工厂所需的 所有设备模型,用 FactoryCAD 建立整个工厂模型,你能对整个工厂模型检查、修改。
Tecnomatix FactoryCAD - 4D Systems
FactoryCAD is a factory layout application that gives you everything you need to create detailed, intelligent factory models. Instead of having to draw lines, arcs, and circles, FactoryCAD allows you to work with “smart objects” that represent virtually all of the resources used in a Factory, from floor and overhead conveyors, mezzanines ...
Factory CAD使用说明new - 百度文库
一、FactoryCAD启动与初始环境设置 桌面打开AutoCAD2010,之后调整界面右下角“初始设置工作空间”,切换成“AutoCAD经典”模式。 在上面工具栏中“Factory”中选择Factory CAD,弹出图1所示“Set Factory Drawing Parameters”对话框。
FactoryCAD - geoplm.com
FactoryCAD helps manufacturers gain critical insight into the layout and installation processes of their factory. With the capabilities that FactoryCAD provides, users have a complete understanding of the entire factory and its processes, allowing the …
Siemens Xcelerator Academy: FactoryCAD
The FactoryCAD course teaches students to create a basic 3D factory layout drawing using FactoryCAD drawing and editing tools. Students will develop skills to organize drawing objects on layers, add conveyors, equipment, building columns, cranes, …
FactoryCAD软件介绍.doc - 豆丁网
FactoryCAD:用智能工厂对象高效建立智能2D&3D工厂模型。 使用它可以根据设计者意图,通过拖放,连接等方式方便地建立模型,建立后模型的尺寸比非面向对象的几何模型小十倍。