Oscillatory Waveform Shape and Temporal Spike Correlations …
We demonstrate a relationship between waveform shape and spike correlations by modeling and computing spike-field measures. We argue that these differences reflect physiological disparities in the FAF–AC circuit and establish a potential link between spike timing and waveform shape.
2023年7月3日 · rhythmic activity in comparable frequency ranges (i.e. in the delta and gamma bands) during spontaneous activity. In addition, we report consistent differences between areas in the variability of waveform shape across individual cycles. A conceptual model predicts higher spike-spike and spike-LFP correlations in
Pulmonary Vein Angiography and Spike Potential Mapping …
Objectives: The purpose is to evaluate the effect of pulmonary vein angiography (PVA) and spike potential (PSP) mapping guided ultrasound ablation in the pulmonary vein ostium (PVO) to treat focal atrial fibrillation (FAf).
Neural oscillations in the fronto-striatal network predict vocal …
2020年3月19日 · The FAF showed statistically significant spike-phase locking in several LFP frequency bands and cortical depths (Fig 9D and 9E). In particular, spike-phase locking in the low- and high-gamma LFP bands was pronounced across layers, and consistent differences appeared when comparing between vocalization types in the low-gamma range at FAF depths ...
[PDF] Theoretical analysis of effects of transcranial magneto ...
The results show that spike-frequency adaptation is strongly dependent on ultrasonic intensity and magnetic flux density and is rarely affected by other parameters, however, modulation frequency and duty cycle influence membrane potentials and spike frequencies to some degree.
The receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants …
2024年3月7日 · Sequence FAPFFAF at position 371–377 in Omicron spike had a potent inhibitory effect on macrophage uptake of receptor-binding domain (RBD) nanoparticles or spike-pseudovirus particles...
指南速递 | 眼底自发荧光在年龄相关性黄斑变性中的应用指南
2024年12月21日 · 眼底自发荧光(FAF)是一种无创成像技术,可通过采集LF在RPE细胞内的分布状态,客观反映ARMD的病情变化。 本文涵盖了FAF原理的介绍、ARMD中FAF成像的回顾,以及ARMD研究中FAF对地图状萎缩(GA)和早期ARMD表型的最新分类,并总结了ARMD发病过程中萎缩进展和脉络膜新生血管形成的关系。 眼底自发荧光原理. 自发荧光(AF)是指某些分子在被合适的波长光激发时发光的现象。 这些激发分子被称为荧光团,可分为外源性和内源性。 前 …
Oscillatory waveform shape and temporal spike correlations differ ...
2023年7月4日 · We find that waveform shape differs markedly in the fronto-auditory circuit even for temporally correlated rhythmic activity in comparable frequency ranges (i.e. in the delta and gamma bands)...
眼底自发荧光照相原理_物质_nm_细胞 - 搜狐
2022年12月9日 · 利用特殊眼底照相的方法,观察眼底正常或异常组织中所发射的荧光,称之为眼底自发荧光(fundus autofluorescence, FAF )。 简称为AF。 AF影像是在还没有注射荧光素之前,短波长激光照射视网膜时,所看到的特殊“荧光”影像。
Analysis Of Parallel Spike Trains (Series: Springer Series In ...
We present a framework for characterizing spike (and spike-train) synchrony in parallel neuronal spike trains that is based on the identification of spikes with what we call influence maps:…
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