All international sporting events organized wholly or partly under the rules of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) Sporting Code1 are termed FAI International Sporting Events2. Under the FAI Statutes3, FAI owns and controls all rights relating to …
All international sporting events organized wholly or partly under the rules of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) Sporting Code1 are termed FAI International Sporting Events2. Under the FAI Statutes3, FAI owns and controls all rights relating to …
Drone Soccer | World Air Sports Federation
Drone Soccer has been included in the FAI Sporting Code as a provisional class (F9A) since 1st May 2019. Played indoor or outdoor in a predetermined “flying zone” measuring up to 20m x 10m, drone soccer matches consist of three sets lasting three minutes each.
2024臺灣教育科技盃無人機足球全國公開賽 官方網站
比賽將採用國際飛行運動組織(FAI)F9A-B賽制,分為公開賽與表演賽兩大組別, 為降低門檻擴大參與,以有刷球機為首年競賽主軸,無刷球機作為表演賽。 以團隊方式報名,每隊最多5人,不分齡,同時入場3人, 凡是18歲以下的選手均可報名參賽,迎接無人機足球運動的挑戰! 公開賽:2024/11/14 (四) 23:59 (已截止) 表演賽:2024/11/10 (日) 23:59...
2025年3月7日 · 2025年首届fai世界无人机足球锦标赛将分为两个级别:f9a-a(无人机足球和赛场尺寸相对较大)和f9a-b(尺寸相对较小,更具多样性战术玩法)。 其中F9A-B类另设女子组,以鼓励更广泛群体参与,促进无人机运动中的性别平等。
2025年3月7日 · 2025年首届FAI世界无人机足球锦标赛将分为两个级别:F9A-A(无人机足球和赛场尺寸相对较大)和F9A-B(尺寸相对较小,更具多样性战术玩法)。 其中F9A-B类另设女子组,以鼓励更广泛群体参与,促进无人机运动中的性别平等。 国际航联主席格雷格·普林西帕托表示,“无人机足球正在全球范围内迅速发展,2025年FAI世界无人机足球锦标赛将为这项运动设定新的标准。 而上海的顶级场馆与尖端技术的结合,一定能为运动员和观众带来一场激动人心、难 …
2024年6月17日 · The competition was divided into two classes, the FAI F9A-A CLASS, which uses a 40cm drone ball, and the B CLASS, which uses a 22cm drone ball.
Drone - SkyBall
fai f9a - a class qualified Introducing the ultimate sports drone Striker V3, created through endless research and development on drone sports and countless flight tests.
Home | U.S. Drone Soccer
U.S. Drone Soccer is a STEM-focused, 501 (c) (3) dedicated to student success. The U.S. Drone Soccer Association is the special interest group for FAI F9A Drone Sports of the Academy of Model Aeronautics and a sanctioned member of the FAI World Sports Federation (https://www.fai.org/).
2025 F9A Open International Events | World Air Sports Federation - fai…
2025 F9A Open International Events. 2025 F9A Open International Events. FAI Global partners. Quicklinks. Sports. Aeromodelling; Amateur-Built and Experimental Aircraft; Ballooning; ... FAI - Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Maison du Sport International. Av. de Rhodanie 54. CH-1007 - Lausanne. Switzerland