KV-VI (Fake Tank) - Tank Encyclopedia
2015年10月7日 · The KV-VI, or KV-VI Behemoth, is one of the most famous fake tanks on the internet. A super-heavy tank project armed to ludicrous proportions, with three prototypes claimed to have been built 1941-1942, serving against the Germans near Moscow and Leningrad.
The KV-6 Behemoth: The Crazy Soviet Tank That Never Was
2023年7月24日 · The KV-VI Behemoth was a model tank created by model builder Brian Fowler in 1995, and its image and fictional history (with references from fake books) were posted to the model building/forum Track-Link in 1997.
Video: Is the KV-6 Real? - Tank Archives
2023年4月1日 · The KV-6 Behemoth is one of the most infamous fake tanks, but is there a kernel of truth inside the fiction? I take a look at the history of the KV-6 tank in my latest video.
Orchestra of Destruction, the KV-6 | Fake Tank Friday
Known far and wide in the tank history community the KV-6 is probably the most famous fake tank to grace the internet. However, most probably don't know the full story of exactly how this...
The Real KV-6 - YouTube
2023年3月31日 · For years, the KV-6 was one of the best known fake tanks. But could it actually have existed? How much of the fake is true?***Sources and further reading***h...
kv6坦克真的存在吗? - 百度知道
kv6坦克真的存在吗?那种幻想出来的其实是叫作KV-VI或者KV-VI Behemoth,它被声称是一个超重型坦克项目,在1941-1942年间建造了三辆原型车(而不是中文界网络常见说法的两辆),以对付莫斯科和列宁格勒附近的德军。
根本不存在的东西——苏联KV6重型坦克(陆地巡洋舰) - 哔哩哔哩
kv-6因其部署的武器种类繁多而被少数德国人昵称为“斯大林管弦乐队”。 诚然,陆地巡洋舰的想法在苏联坦克项目中并不罕见,但是几乎所有的项目在第二次世界大战开始之前就被放弃了,例如T-35,smK和T-100。
apparently, this is a KV-VI, i really wanna learn more about
2021年2月26日 · It's entirely fake from a modeler in the 90's. It's not a "fake" tank, it's fake, straight up. The real KV-6 was, according to most sources, just a flamethrower KV, much like the KV-8. Although information about it is largely unpublished or simply gone. Which almost definitely contributed to the spread of the fake KV-6 behemoth.
关于KV-6的一些谣言和澄清 - 哔哩哔哩
那么真正的KV-6是什么样子的呢? 关于真正的KV-6有两种说法,一说是装备了喷火器的KV-1,另一说是KV-7的第一个版本,装备45mm炮两门,76mm炮一门。我更倾向于第一种说法,而把第二种说法称作KV-7-1。
The Fake Tank Tsar, the KV-6 | Fake Tank Friday - Odysee
Known far and wide in the tank history community the KV-6 is probably the most famous fake tank to grace the internet. However, most probably don't know the full story of exactly how this tank came to...