Falera - Wikipedia
Falera is a municipality in the Surselva Region in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. Falera is a part of the Alpenarena along with the towns of Flims and Laax and is the most secluded of the …
Falera - Switzerland Tourism
Falera is the oldest municipality in the destination of Flims Laax Falera and the smallest in terms of area. Thanks to its altitude it offers a clear and unique view over the Rhine Valley to Chur …
Faléra – Wikipedie
Faléra (či falera, z lat. phalerae) je kovový kotouček s plastickou ozdobou, podobou božstva nebo panovníka, který se ve starověku nosil jako ozdoba na šatech. Vojáci římské armády je patrně …
Falera - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Falera is a municipality of the district of Surselva in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. Falera. References Other websites. Media related to Falera at Wikimedia Commons Official …
Flims Laax | Home
Biking Hiking Skiing Snowboarding Freestyling - Unique experiences during your summer and winter vacations in Flims Laax Falera!
Phalera (military decoration) - Wikipedia
A phalera was a sculpted disk, usually made of gold, silver, bronze or glass, and worn on the breastplate during parades by Roman soldiers who had been awarded it as a kind of medal. …
Falera – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Skiing is the major winter activity here. The Alpenarena ski area is shared with Flims and Laax and has its highest point on the glacier at 3018 metres altitude. Skiers are mostly Swiss, but …
Portrait – Falera, GR
Falera liegt auf einer Sonnenterrasse auf 1220 m ü. M. abseits der Kantonsstrasse, die von Chur über den Oberalppass führt. Falera, auch oft als die Perle der Tourismusdestination Flims …
Laax - Switzerland Tourism
With its many patrician houses, Falera has preserved the charm of a Graubünden mountain village. This, and the quiet, sunny location serve to make it a village for relaxing family …
10 Best Falera Hotels, Switzerland (From $125) - Booking.com
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