Sanctuary glitching (help) :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
2024年5月17日 · ive tried a few sanctuary over haul mods for fo4 now but my original player home (the run down version) is still spawning under the new version causing the walls the …
SOLVED: Random Sanctuary 'Disappearing' Bug :: Fallout 4 General ...
2016年8月17日 · So this is an unusual bug that I cant really find anyone else having the same problem. What happens is that I will just be walking around sanctuary as I normally do when …
How to ally myself to sanctuary settlement? :: Fallout 4 General ...
2021年7月14日 · Or the Museum of Freedom quest, or the quest 'Sanctuary' given by Sturges to build up Sanctuary. None of these are needed to get the workshop and none of them lock out …
MY SANCTUARY SETTLEMENT BUILD :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
2023年6月30日 · Recently I restarted my game in Survival Mode and following SarDeliac's Settlements and Survival series on YouTube am building an easy to defend and work …
Sanctuary CTD :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam Community
2016年1月6日 · I built a massive thing in sanctuary. Walls all around the entire settlement, themed buildings with doodads, appropriately dressed settlers, several guard posts for openings where …
Sanctuary Defense :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam …
2019年12月3日 · The 3 attack spawn points are (when walking into Sanctuary from the Old North Bridge) the first ruined house on the left, right over the hill behind it next to a small stand of …
[NUKA WORLD] How to raid Sanctuary??? [MINOR SPOILER] :: …
2016年9月7日 · Basically i am done with 5 area in Nuka World Now i am doing some raid on settlements The problem is i can't raid Sacntuary (its greyed out) If the settlements greyed out, …
Removing Minutemen from Sanctuary - Fallout 4 - GameFAQs
The quest to help them fortify Sanctuary was f’d up because I already got all those things done myself, for myself and whatever loyal settlers showed up and agreed to bend the knee. So, to …
Sanctuary quest bug? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam …
2018年7月3日 · Mutfruit you'll find later; so, to feed the settlers from Concord at the beginning you'll need 10 gourd, melon, etc. and Sanctuary starts with just 5, I think - 3 melons and 2 …
4 fps in sanctuary :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam …
Fallout 4 ran 50 to 60fps the first 10 hours I played on pc then I started a new survival save (deleted the old one) But not with graphical enhancing mods. I have the Rx 480 8GB version, …