FAMAS - Wikipedia
The FAMAS (French: Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne, lit. 'Assault rifle from the Saint-Étienne Weapon Factory') is a bullpup assault rifle designed and manufactured in France by MAS in 1978. It is known by French troops as Le Clairon (The Bugle) due to its distinctive shape. [4][5]
FAMAS突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FAMAS (法语 全名: Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de St-Étienne,意為「由圣-艾蒂安生产的轻型自动步枪」)是一款由 陸軍工業集團 生產, 法国 軍隊 裝備的制式 突擊步槍,亦是著名的 犢牛式 步槍之一。 保羅·泰利(Paul Tellie) 將軍 在1967年開始設計FAMAS,1971推出原型槍。 法國軍隊在1972年開始測試及評估FAMAS,最終在1978年採納其為制式突擊步槍。 初時因FAMAS未能及時投產,法軍一度需要採用由 馬努漢 (英语:Manurhin) 授權生產的 SIG SG …
FAMAS简介 - 枪炮世界
FAMAS是法语“轻型自动步枪,由圣.艾蒂安生产”的缩写(Fusil Automatique, Manufacture d'Armes de St. Etienne)的缩写,正如其名称的表达的意思,FAMAS是由法国GIAT集团(Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres)下属的圣.艾蒂安(St. Etienne)兵工厂生产的。
2007年12月1日 · The FAMAS F 1 is a Bull-Pup design weapon and the nickname of “bugle,” by which it is sometimes called, is a pure invention of journalists. The FAMAS is a very compact weapon with short overall length.
FAMAS | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The FAMAS, officially written as the 5.56 mm assault rifle, model F1, FA-MAS (French: Fusil d'Assaut Manufacture d'Armes St. Étienne, lit. "St. Étienne Arms Factory Assault Rifle") is a French assault rifle that was produced by GIAT Industries (now Nexter Systems). It …
FAMAS: French Army’s bullpup assault rifle - Spec Ops Magazine
2021年4月13日 · The FAMAS (which means ‘Fusil Automatique, Manufacture d’Armes St. Etienne) is comfortable to fire. It is very accurate at battle ranges and is easily controlled during burst fire.
French FAMAS F1 - Forgotten Weapons
The French FAMAS was one of the first bullpup rifles adopted on a large scale, and is still the standard weapon of the French Army
France's Iconic Service Rifle; THE FAMAS - YouTube
Join us in this exciting video as we take an in-depth look at France's iconic service rifle, the FAMAS. We'll test its capabilities and discuss its history, design, and performance. Don't miss...
FAMAS 5.56 NATO Rifle History - Guns and Ammo
2017年11月9日 · The FAMAS rifle, or Fusil D'Assaut De La Manufacture D'Armes De Saint-Etienne, has been the standard French service rifle since 1978. The acronym stands for assault rifle (Fusil D'Assaut) Manufactured for the Army by …
FAMAS Review | Specs, Pricing, Ratings & History - Goat Guns
2019年12月19日 · The FAMAS is a select-fire, assault rifle that allows the shooter to select between 3 round burst or full automatic fire. Background – Lucky to Get One in the US. In 1978, the French FAMAS was one of the first bullpups adopted to become the battlefield rifle for First World militaries.
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