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  1. Copilot Answer

    How is blood type inherited? And do exceptions ever …

    • In the vast majority of cases, blood type follows a predictable inheritance pattern. Here are a child’s possible blood types for any two parents: Note that the ABO part is in a separate table from the +/- part. Thes… See more

    Help! My Child’S Blood Type Doesn’T Make Sense

    Humans make a lot of mistakes, so this is always worth double checking before you go any farther. It’s actually very common for people to misremember their blood type. And someti… See more

    The Tech Interactive
    Rare Exceptions to The Blood Type Inheritance Rules

    A chimera is a person who has two different sets of DNA, from two different individuals. If the … See more

    The Tech Interactive
    Applying The Rare Exceptions to Different Scenarios

    The chart below does not cover every scenario. For example, it does not include mutation and uniparental disomy, as they have the fewest documented examples of blood type … See more

    The Tech Interactive