Sd.Kfz. 9 - Wikipedia
The Sd.Kfz. 9 [a] (also known as "Famo") was a German half-track that saw widespread use in World War II, and the heaviest half-track vehicle of any type built in quantity in Nazi Germany during the war years.
Sd.Kfz.9 (1938) - Truck Encyclopedia
At the very top of the lineage, it's Fahrzeug- und Motorenbau GmbH (FAMO), in Breslau, which received the contract for the largest variant, the 18 t heavy prime mover. The first prototype built was the FAM gr.1 completed in 1936. Powered by a 200 hp Maybach HL98 TUK engine it was 7.7 metres (25 ft) long but had some issues.
Sd.Kfz. 9 Famo – Germany’s Giant Half-Track - Tank Historia
2023年12月28日 · The Sd.Kfz. 9 Famo was the heaviest, largest and most powerful half-track used by Germany during the Second World War. It was arranged similarly to a truck, with the engine and a pair of steering wheels at the front, the cab behind this, and a cargo bed at the rear.
SdKfz 9半履帶車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
第9號特種車輛 (德語: Sonderkraftfahrzeug 9,簡稱: Sd.Kfz. 9),又稱 18噸重型牽引車 (Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18t)或「FAMO」,是 納粹德國 在 二戰 期間所生產並廣泛使用的一款重型 半履帶車,也是德國在戰爭期間所量產的半履帶車中最重的一款。 它的主要用途是牽引重型火炮或作為坦克維修車。 戰前德國的半履帶車主要由工程師 海因里希·克尼普坎普 (法語:Heinrich Ernst Kniepkamp) 負責設計,1933年 納粹 上台之後他的設計被移交至各商業公司 …
FAMO 88mm - Steel Division Wiki
FAMO 88mm is a German Anti-air unit in the Steel Division II expansion, Tribute to the Liberation of Italy. 8.8cm Flak 37 Selbstfahrlafette auf 18 ton Zugkraftwagen was SdKfz. 9 FAMO mounting a...
[K氏軍工]Sdkfz.9 Famo 88mm自走防空炮 - 百度贴吧
这回的作品是Sdkfz.9 Famo半履带车装上了88mm防空炮之後的自走防空炮版本,身为德军各类半履带中最大型的Sdkfz.9。 其车重本身就有18吨重,在德军中不但负担运输任务,同时也兼任拖救车的任务,唯独拖救虎式等重型装甲时 需要三台Famo拖曳才能拉的动。
Sd.Kfz 9 "FAMO" with 8.8cm FLAK – WWII German Self-propelled …
2025年3月3日 · With an up-armored front crew compartment and the addition of the vaunted 88mm flak gun, these Famos became lethal anti-armor and artillery vehicles. The rear platform had drop-down sides for the gun crew, and outriggers swept out from the sides to provide stability when the powerful gun fired.
Sdkfz 9 Famo german half-track ww2 - World War Photos
Sd.Kfz. 9 “Famo” (alias schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18t FAMO Typ “F 3”) was a German half-track that saw widespread use in World War II, and the heaviest half-track vehicle of any type built in quantity in Germany during the war years.
二战德国18吨半履带牵引车,重量级选手中的小个子 - 知乎
2020年11月25日 · 作为重型半履带牵引车,该车使用一台迈巴赫12缸水冷汽油机驱动,输出动力270马力,与它匹配的是ZF G 65 VL 230变速箱,拥有四个前进挡和一个倒挡。 转向结构也和其他德国半履带车相似,驾驶员微调方向盘能调整前轮实现转向,而方向盘继续转动则可以调整后方履带差速,加快转弯速度,缩小转弯半径。 后半段履带结构采用了德国经典的交错式负重轮、 扭杆悬挂,履带占据车体的长度超过2/3,后方的导引轮可调节,用来控制履带的张紧程度,适应 …
Famo 88mm | 钢铁之师2 Wiki | Fandom
德国自行防空高炮。 所属国家:德国 所属战斗群:第26装甲师 花费:120 防空:自行高射炮 两用火炮 速度:25 km/h 公路速度:40 km/h 隐蔽:中等 观瞄:低 特性:坦克攻击机 正面:15 …