Famocid 40 Tablet: View Uses, Side Effects, Price and Substitutes
2020年2月20日 · Famocid 40 Tablet is a histamine H2 receptor antagonist. It works by reducing the acid produced in the stomach. This helps to relieve acid-related indigestion and heartburn. It is unsafe to consume alcohol with Famocid 40 Tablet. Famocid 40 Tablet is generally considered safe to use during pregnancy.
法莫替丁(Famotidine) 是什麼?使用劑量、功效原理、潛在的副作 …
2020年10月18日 · 法莫替丁是一種組織胺第二型受體阻斷劑,能減少胃酸的分泌,法莫替丁也可幫助治療及預防潰瘍並改善火燒心、胃痛等症狀。 法莫替丁不需要處方簽即能取得,若您自行購買法莫替丁,使用前務必詳讀包裝指示說明,以便了解何時您須徵求醫師或藥師的意見。 如何服用法莫替丁? 無論是否隨餐服用法莫替丁,通常一天只需服用1~2次,或依據醫師指示用藥。 若您一天只需要服用1次,且通常在就寢前服用。 使用劑量及療程長度視您的身體病況及治療效果而定, …
Famotidine Tablets: Package Insert / Prescribing Info - Drugs.com
2025年3月11日 · Famotidine tablets are indicated in adult and pediatric patients 40 kg and greater for the treatment of: active duodenal ulcer (DU). active gastric ulcer (GU). symptomatic nonerosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). erosive esophagitis due to GERD, diagnosed by biopsy. Famotidine tablets are indicated in adults for the:
1.口服錠劑:每天二次,每次20mg,依年齡、症狀適宜增減劑量。 2.注射劑:每12小時20mg,可酌予增減劑量。 3.上消化道出血時,通常先以注射劑開始治療,待能口服後,再改成口服治療。 可拮抗胃黏膜壁細胞的組織胺H2受體,而具有抑制胃酸分泌的作用。 有抑制胃酸分泌的作用,故可緩解胃潰瘍等腸胃疾病。 腹瀉、暈眩、便祕、頭痛、疲倦、失眠、肌肉疼痛等。 1.治療時應依病人症狀,使用可達療效的最小劑量。 2.下列患者請慎重投與:有藥物過敏史、肝腎功能不全、高 …
Famocid 40 MG Tablet - Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Price ... - Practo
2021年9月15日 · Famocid 40 MG Tablet is an anti-ulcer medicine that is used to treat stomach and intestine ulcers and reflux diseases (condition in which the stomach acid flows back into the food pipe). It is also used to treat and prevent indigestion, heartburn, and other acidity related symptoms. It works by decreasing the production of acid in your stomach.
2023年8月11日 · 法莫替丁 (Famotidine)是常見的胃藥,多用於抑制胃酸及紓緩火燒心、胃痛等症狀。 Bowtie醫療資訊團隊為你一文拆解法莫替丁的功效及副作用,並了解正確的服用方法。 法莫替丁是什麼? 法莫替丁的種類 法莫替丁適合誰服用? 如何服用法莫替丁? 法莫替丁有沒有服用禁忌? 服用法莫替丁的副作用 應如何存放法莫替丁? 常見問題. 法莫替丁是什麼? 法莫替丁是一種組織胺第二型受體阻斷劑,能抑制胃酸的分泌。 常用於什麼疾病/情況? 法莫替丁常用於治 …
Famocid 40 MG Tablet - Uses, Side Effects, Substitutes ... - Lybrate
Famocid 40 MG Tablet is prescribed as a therapy and treatment of duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, control gastric pH in critically ill patients, symptomatic relief in gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, active benign ulcer, and pathological hypersecretory conditions.
Famo: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction & FAQ
2025年1月7日 · Famo works on H 2 receptors and blocks the actions of histamine. Duodenal ulcer: 40 mg at night for 4 to 8 weeks. Benign gastric ulcer: 40 mg at night for 4 to 8 weeks; Maintenance therapy: 20 mg at night for preventing the recurrences of duodenal ulceration. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: 20 mg twice daily for 6 to 12 weeks.
Famocid 40 MG Tablet (14): Uses, Side Effects, Price & Dosage
Famocid 40 tablet is an antacid medication used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn, indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease. It contains famotidine as an active ingredient that blocks the secretion of gastric acid thus reducing the amount of acid in the stomach.
Famocid 40 Tablet: Uses, Side Effects, Price & Substitutes
Famocid 40 Tablet is primarily used to manage gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition where stomach acid frequently flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach, causing heartburn and other discomforts.
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