FAMS - Technological Packaging Solutions
Fondata nel 1992, F.A.M.S. realizza e produce impianti completi di fine linea per l’imballaggio. La tecnologia F.A.M.S. è da sempre applicata ai più svariati settori produttivi: dal food al beverage, dal settore cosmetico a quello della detergenza.
FAMS - Technological Packaging Solutions
F.A.M.S. designs, engineers and manufactures top loading case packers, case erectors, case sealers, tray packers and gantry pallettizers for a wide range of sectors: from detergents to personal care, from home care to food and beverage.
FAMS Srl - LinkedIn
FAMS designs and manufactures integrated end of lines packaging systems from case packing to palletizing. We offer and develop a continuous partnership and service to all our customers including...
In 30 years, F.A.M.S. has become one of the most important leaders in the case packing industry. Always seeking new ways to improve its own case packing systems, F.A.M.S. has always been focused on technology, continuous innovation and customer involvement.
F.A.M.S. has got a proven experience in case packing for Food and Beverage. Our case packing and palletizing solutions include a wide range of industrial fields: from coffee to pasta, from edible oil to wine and liquor. WATCH OUR LATEST VIDEOS!!! Among our end-of-line solutions, our pick & place case packer integrated with a fully...
Nella nostra pagina Youtube tutti i video sulle soluzioni packaging FAMS. Seguici su Facebook , Linkedin e Instagram per rimanere aggiornato su eventi, news e novità. ASSISTENZA TECNICA E INFORMAZIONI COMMERCIALI
F.A.M.S. SRL, Partita IVA: 01794721207, Fatturato, Dipendenti, PEC
Ottieni Report Gratuito su F.A.M.S. SRL (01794721207) con Sede, Fatturato, Utile, Dipendenti, PEC e ATECO
FAMS S.R.L. (30-71622028-8), Rosario (Santa Fe) - Cuit Online
FAMS SRL · CUIT: 30716220288 · Persona Jurídica · thedy 158 bis 158 · Localidad: Rosario · Fecha de contrato social: 2018-06-02 · Ganancias: Ganancias Sociedades
FAMS Srl Information - RocketReach
FAMS Srl is a Machinery Manufacturing, Manufacturing General, and Manufacturing company_reader located in Sala Bolognese, Emilia-Romagna with $5.2 million in revenue and 9 employees. Find top employees, contact details and business statistics at RocketReach.
F.A.M.S. UN’AZIENDA ECOSOSTENIBILE - Nasce nel 1992 e si distingue rapidamente per il suo operato nella progettazione e realizzazione di macchine automatiche per l’imballaggio, in particolare nell’automazione del fine linea per i settori della detergenza e della cosmesi.
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