Fluorescein amidite - Wikipedia
Fluorescein amidites, abbreviated as FAM, are important synthetic equivalents of fluorescein dye used in oligonucleotide synthesis and molecular biology. FAM is used in the preparation of fluorescein-labeled oligonucleotide probes for the detection of the presence of the complementary nucleic acids or primers for polymerase chain reaction .
5' 6-FAM (Fluorescein) modification | IDT - Integrated DNA …
FAM is the most commonly used fluorescent dye attachment for oligonucleotides and is compatible with most fluorescence detection equipment. It becomes protonated and has decreased fluorescence below pH 7; it is typically used in the pH range 7.5–8.5. FAM can be attached to 5' or 3' end of oligos.
6-Carboxyfluorescein - Wikipedia
6-Carboxyfluorescein (6-FAM) is a fluorescent dye with an absorption wavelength of 495 nm and an emission wavelength of 517 nm. A carboxyfluorescein molecule is a fluorescein molecule with a carboxyl group added. They are commonly used as a tracer agents. It is used in the sequencing of nucleic acids and in the labeling of nucleotides.
This procedure result in purified DNA linked with 6-FAMTM without the use of PAGE gels or HPLC. The Cartridge purification protocol is applicable for many of the convenient disposable products available for rapid oligonucleotide purification, clean-up by selective adsorption, and elution on solid-phase media.
荧光标记肽(AMC、FAM、FITC)的原理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)具有比较高的活性,通常来说,在固相合成过程中引入该种荧光基团相对于其他荧光素要更容易,并且反应过程中不需要加入活化试剂。 FITC修饰的多肽通常主要有两种形式: (1)在整条肽链N端接入FITC,并且在FITC之前接入一分子的Acp(6-氨基己酸),也称烷基间隔器。 反应中FITC与肽链上裸露的-NH2反应,Acp的接入提供了六个碳的直链空间,大大降低了反应的空间位阻,提高了反应效率,降低了反应难度。 其次,FITC还与多肽结构中的 …
About Taqman MGB probe - 네이버 블로그
2011年1月11日 · Taqman MGB Probes는 target에 specific 한 oligonucleotide로 구성되어져 있다. ü Reporter dye (예로서 6-FAMTM dye)는 probe의 말단 5’ 쪽에 link 되어져 있다. ü MGB는 minor groove binder의 약자로서, probe length (길이)의 증가 없이 melting temperature 를 높여주고, 이로 인해 이중label probe 방식보다 더 짧고 specific한 probe를 디자인 할 수 있다.
What is FAM fluorescence? - SyronOptics
FAM fluorescence refers to the fluorescent properties of a dye known as Fluorescein Amidite (FAM). This dye is widely used in molecular biology and biochemistry for various applications, including DNA sequencing, qPCR, and fluorescence microscopy.
6-FAM™ Dye Phosphoramidite - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluorescent label 6-FAM™ is a single-isomer fluorescein dye designed for detection and analysis of labeled PCR products on ABI PRISM™ genetic analysis systems. 6-FAM™ is equally useful in applications historically employing isotopic labels.
Variability and cost implications of three generations of the …
2018年1月12日 · For probes with the dyes FAMTM, HEXTM, Cy5 and Red610 a higher fluorescence intensity was seen in LC480 type II and III compared to LC480 type I. After lowering the probe concentration for the Cy5 dye three-fold (from 0.3μM to 0.1μM) the Cq value remains the same and the intensity of fluorescence decreases.
支原体qPCR检测的结果诠释_通道_药典_内控 - 搜狐
2022年10月26日 · 用MB公司的qPCR试剂盒检测时,qPCR仪的FAM通道检测支原体荧光信号,HEX通道检测内控对照(简称IC)的荧光信号(如没有HEX通道,可用VIC通道)。 IC是用于监测qPCR反应是否正常。 对于这两个通道,Ct<40为阳性结果。 Ct≥40为阴性结果。 支原体DNA和IC存在信号的竞争性抑制。 在阴性对照和阳性对照均结果正常的前提下, 根据FAMTM通道和HEX通道的检测结果,可判别样品是否有支原体污染。 具体见下表: 表1. FAM™通道 (支原 …