World's largest fanfiction archive and forum where fanfic writers and readers around the globe gather to share their passion.
Книга Фанфиков - более 25000 фэндомов, ориджиналы от …
Бывший моряк Горацио Морган пытается сочинять “в стол” фанфик по “Саге о Хорнблауэре” С. С. Форестера. Серии телефильмов о Хорнблауэре в его реальности не существует, поэтому Арчи Кеннеди – фактически придуманный Морганом ОМП, чьим прототипом является актер Арчи Рокстон.
Fanfic (film) - Wikipedia
Fanfic (Polish: Fanfik) is a 2023 Polish drama film directed by Marta Karwowska and written by Karwowska and Grzegorz Jaroszuk. Starring Alin Szewczyk, Jan Cięciara, and Dobromir Dymecki. [1]
Fan fiction - Wikipedia
Fan fiction or fanfiction, also known as fan fic, fanfic, fic or FF, is fiction typically written in an amateur capacity by fans as a form of fan labor, unauthorized by, but based on, an existing work of fiction.
Fanfic (2023) - IMDb
Fanfic: Directed by Marta Karwowska. With Alin Szewczyk, Jan Cieciara, Dobromir Dymecki, Wiktoria Kruszczynska. Two high school students form an intense connection as they navigate the challenges of discovering and expressing their truest selves.
Anime/Manga - FanFiction
Fanfiction archives under section: Anime/Manga. Come and rediscover your favorite shows with fellow fans.
FanFiktion.de - Das Fanfiction Archiv
Willkommen bei FanFiktion.de, dem Portal für Fanfiction und freie Werke. Stöbere in mehr als einer halben Million Geschichten zu Fanfiction, Poesie und Prosa. Veröffentliche deine eigenen Werke für eine große Anzahl von Lesern und tausche dich mit Gleichgesinnten aus.
RWBY FanFiction Archive | FanFiction
In the magical world of Remnant, team RWBY has their hands full when it comes to protecting Vale. So when a new threat, one just as evil as Cinder Fall comes into the picture, a new team …
The Fanfic Maker
Welcome to the fanfic maker. A prestigious site for pointless stories. Specify the details of your chosen fandom and move the sliders depending on what type of story you're looking for. The page will then generate a story based on your input. You can also share snippets of the generated story by highlighting it and choose "Share this quote".
青春同人志 Fanfik (2023) - 豆瓣电影
2023年5月17日 · 两名高中生一边探索和表达最真实的自我,一边应对随之而来的挑战,并在此过程中建立起紧密的关系。 这么帅的女生为什么喜欢男的! 剧情节奏其实适合拍成电视剧长 …