Category:Fanon - Superpower Wiki
Powers which do not meet the criteria for the main space of the wiki are considered 'Fan Powers', which are understood to be creative works by their writers and not documentation of a power in fiction. These powers can either be made as blogs or within the Fanon namespace.
Fanon:Power System | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
A power system, categorizing powers into distinct classes or groups; the categories not only define the scope of abilities available but also shape users roles and interactions including the hierarchies and levels that further delineates the possibilities and myriad of manifestations that powers may take within their respective universes ...
Fanon:Power Infused Crafting | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
Users can flawlessly craft any items and infuse said objects with powers depending on what the object is infused with, it can possess a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat. These wondrous inventions more so act as manifestations or expressions of their superhuman abilities.
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki - Fandom
Welcome to the Power Rangers Fanon wiki! Here you can create your own series, episodes, or Rangers based on both Power Rangers and Super Sentai. We have over 47,142 pages here, so make sure to hop in and create your own but only if you're 13 or older.
Superpower Fanon Wiki - Fandom
Get ready to get fanon style! READ THIS BEFORE EDITING AND DOCUMENTATION. There are four specific rules for this wiki:
Fanon:Power | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
A brief rush of power surges through her, but it's all she needs to break through. As she strains once again, the ice fractures, and with a sound like a cannon blast, the prison shatters, shooting razor-sharp particles of ice flying everywhere.
Power-Up | My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki | Fandom
The basic function of this quirk is that it grants the user an immense increase in strength. The users muscles glow bright red. Izuku eventually learned to focus the power in his legs for extra speed, making him an all-round fighter. It also increases the users durability, enough so that bullets can't get past Izuku's muscles. Weaknesses []
Frantz Fanon - Wikipedia
With regard to the American liberation struggle more commonly known as The Black Power Movement, Fanon's work was especially influential. His book Wretched of the Earth is quoted directly in the preface of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and Charles Hamilton 's book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation [ 48 ] which was published in 1967 ...
Fanon:Power System Manipulation | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
Superpower version of System Manipulation. The user can manipulate control, alter, or even create fundamental rules and structures of various power systems within a their universe, as they can manipulate the existing power systems by altering how powers operate, who has access to them, and rules that govern their usage.
Frantz Fanon - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
2019年3月14日 · Born on the island of Martinique under French colonial rule, Frantz Omar Fanon (1925–1961) was one of the most important writers in black Atlantic theory in an age of anti-colonial liberation struggle.