Danny Kaye - Wikipedia
Danny Kaye (born David Daniel Kaminsky; Yiddish: דוד־דניאל קאַמינסקי; January 18, 1911 – March 3, 1987) was an American actor, comedian, singer, and dancer. His performances featured physical comedy, idiosyncratic pantomimes, and rapid-fire novelty songs.
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丹尼·凯耶 - 百度百科
丹尼·凯耶,男,1913年1月18日出生于美国纽约布鲁克林,美国演员。 主要代表作品有《夜行者》。
Danny Kaye - IMDb
In 1960, he began doing specials on television and this led to his own TV series, The Danny Kaye Show (1963), which ran from 1963 to 1967. Some of his last roles were also his most memorable, such as an intense Holocaust survivor in Skokie (1981) and as a kind but goofy dentist in an episode of The Cosby Show (1984) .
Danny Kaye - Biography Bringing Real People & Real History to Life
2020年12月3日 · Biographies: Bringing Real People and Real History to Life Danny Kaye Kaye cut his entertaining teeth performing at popular Jewish holiday resorts in the catskills ...more.
דני קיי – ויקיפדיה
דֶנִי קֶיִי (ב אנגלית: Danny Kaye, 18 בינואר 1911 – 3 במרץ 1987) היה שחקן קולנוע ו טלוויזיה, זמר ו קומיקאי יהודי - אמריקאי. קיי נולד ב ברוקלין שב ניו יורק כ דוד דניאל קמינסקי ל מהגרים יהודים מ אוקראינה, יעקב קמינסקי ו-קלרה נימירובסקי, הוא היה בנם השלישי והיחיד שנולד בארצות הברית, לאחר שהיגרו אליה בשנת 1909.
丹尼·凯耶 Danny Kaye - 豆瓣
In 1960, he began doing specials on television and this led to his own TV series, The Danny Kaye Show (1963), which ran from 1963 to 1967. Some of his last roles were also his most memorable, such as an intense Holocaust survivor in Skokie le village de la colère (1981) and as a kind but goofy dentist in an episode of Cosby Show (1984).
ダニー・ケイ - Wikipedia
ダニー・ケイ(Danny Kaye, (1911年 1月18日 - 1987年 3月3日)は、アメリカ合衆国の俳優、歌手、コメディアン。 本名 デーヴィッド・ダニエル・カミンスキー (David Daniel Kaminsky)。
Fanny Kaje Profiles - Facebook
View the profiles of people named Fanny Kaje. Join Facebook to connect with Fanny Kaje and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share...
Danny Kaye - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.
Danny Kaye, David Daniel Kaminsky jaioa (New York, 1911ko urtarrilaren 18a - Los Angeles, 1987ko martxoaren 3a) estatubatuar aktore, abeslari, dantzari, umorista eta musikaria izan zen. Judu jatorriko izan zen. 1935ean egin zuen debuta zineman eta 17 filmetan antzeztu zuen.