菲奥拉(Faora Hu-Ul),美国DC漫画旗下的超级反派(DC反派),初次登场于《动作漫画》(Action Comics)第471期(1977年5月),是佐德将军的忠实追随者,氪星仅存的几位幸存者之一。
Faora-Ul | DC Extended Universe Wiki | Fandom
Faora-Ul is an infamous Kryptonian war criminal and second-in-command of the Sword of Rao, serving as the loyal right hand to General Dru-Zod, and was one of the first great enemies of the hero Superman.
Faora - Wikipedia
Faora is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Superman. [3] The character was created by Cary Bates and Curt Swan, and first appeared in Action Comics #471 (May 1977). Most commonly, Faora is an ally and sometimes the wife or lover of Superman's Kryptonian nemesis General Zod. [4]
弗奧拉 (faora)是dc漫畫旗下超級英雄。 超人哥面對過的最可怕的敵人之一,她於青銅時期的超人哥就相當於大表哥對於新52的超人哥,大表哥是憑藉著絕對強大壓倒性的...
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The R33 Nissan Skyline was in many ways better than the R32 in terms of performance, safety, and comfort. There was improved body stiffness and better weight distribution. Some models received the AWD ATTESA E-TS Pro system, which was an upgrade from the previous version and increased traction. The R33 is one inch wider
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菲奥拉 (美国DC漫画旗下超级反派)_搜狗百科
菲奥拉(Faora Hu-Ul),美国 DC漫画 旗下超级反派,初次登场于《动作漫画》第471期,拥有高超的 氪星格斗技巧,也是 超人 最可怕的对手之一,氪星硕果仅存的几位幸存者之一, 佐德将军 的忠实追随者。
Faora (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom
Faora was a Kryptonian serial killer notorious for her hatred of men and an antagonist to Superman. She was captured and sentenced to life imprisonment, surviving the destruction of Krypton in the Phantom Zone. Her closest partners among the Phantom Zoners became General Zod and Jax-Ur.