Far Cry 5 | Ubisoft (US)
Official Website. Far Cry 5 comes to America: lead a resistance against the fanatical cult, Eden's Gate. Available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Far Cry® 5 on Steam
Play solo or two-player co-op in the vast open world of Hope County. Use a vast arsenal of weapons from rocket launchers to shovels, and take control of iconic muscle cars, ATVs, …
如何评价育碧新作《孤岛惊魂 5》(Far Cry 5)? - 知乎
建立在过去一两年育碧往作的点子上,远哭5自己实在难有什么新意,那么Far Cry本来的那些精髓呢? 我们就直接看一点—— 玩过3代和4代都知道,只要让使热兵器,游戏的难度,取决于你 …
孤岛惊魂5 - 育碧游戏
《火星迷航记》将延续《孤岛惊魂5》季票内容的奇异冒险,玩家将扮演飞行员尼克·莱伊与小赫克·杜拉布曼一同前往火星,摧毁外星生物的巢穴。 《火星迷航记》包含于《孤岛惊魂5》季票及 …
Far Cry 5 - Download
Far Cry 5 is the latest installment of the immensely popular Far Cry series of games. In this episode, the player will be required to battle with a group of religious fanatics who desire to …
孤岛惊魂5 Far Cry 5 - 游侠网
《孤岛惊魂5》是一款由Ubisoft制作的第一人称射击游戏。 此前育碧的员工表示该系列的制作人员正在准备进行新游戏的开发,万众期待的《孤岛惊魂5》应该已经提上了日程。
Buy Far Cry® 5 | Xbox
Play solo or two-player co-op in the vast open world of Hope County. Use a vast arsenal of weapons from rocket launchers to shovels, and take control of iconic muscle cars, ATVs, …
Far Cry 5 Nexus - Mods and Community
The Viewmodel-Fov-Mod for Far Cry 5 moves all weapons further away from the screen. Allows you to set your weapon fov in steps of 5 from 75 to 120. You can also modify some weapon …
神作还是差强人意?《Far Cry 5》个人测评!表现力+游戏性+剧 …
相关游戏: Far Cry 5简介补充: 本作出了也有一阵子了,作为预购玩家和系列老粉丝,想和大家分享一下我个人对本作的看法。有问题的话可以在评论区问我哦!, 视频播放量 26525、弹幕量 23 …
Far Cry 5 Review - IGN
2018年3月28日 · Far Cry 5 is another wide-open playground with all the necessary ingredients for causing a real ruckus: loads of enemies and allies, temperamental wildlife, and plenty of …
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